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The Flesh Prison - Chapter 4

Since yesterday, I've just about managed to recover from my emotions. Yesterday afternoon I tried to practise blinking. After all, I'll have to make a good impression with Chloe later today. But God, blinking is tiring. I did it, but with great difficulty, and after a few minutes I was far too exhausted to continue. I was so tired after my little workout that I couldn't even pay attention to my surroundings. I didn't notice when a nurse came to change my diaper and colostomy bag, whereas usually seeing the grimaces of the nurse taking care of me as she removed my swollen and urine-soaked diaper always sends me into a deep state of disarray. But this time I just wanted to sleep. My colostomy bag is almost full, but I'm ready to converse with Chloe via a letter board. I've hardly soiled my diaper (from what I can see, it doesn't look particularly swollen), they've just put a clean flannel on my chin to catch my drool and anyway they've put my blanket back over me to make me look more


The flesh prison - Chapter 1

Here's a summary of everything I know (I do it every day, firstly to train my memory, but also and above all to keep from going mad). My name is Allison Foster. I think I'm 21. My life was turned upside down more than 1 year ago (according to the timetable I have set in my head that I think is pretty reliable) in a traffic accident. I have no memory of this accident. All I know about him is what I've been told. It's pretty standard: I was driving home after a drinking party and, apparently, after taking drugs. I lost control of my car as I was taking a bend at high speed (about 60mph), swerved and hit a tree head-on. So far, so good. What is less common is that, by an amazing combination of circumstances, I survived the collision. However, even if by some miracle I had come out of an extremely violent crash alive, I was still not out of the woods. In fact, my C1, C3 and T4 vertebrae had been purely severed in the accident, while others, such as my L3, had been more or less


The Flesh Prison - Chapter 3

I lay there, eyes fixed on the wall in front of me, lungs uselessly being filled with air, and deflating....again and again and again....my useless diaphragm paralysed like the rest of my body..... I have no idea what time it is, but I've been given dinner, so I assume nearly bedtime...."Fuck my eyes are dry....I just wish I could fucking close them...." I feel drool slide from my braced mouth and down to my chin, slowly forming a droplet and soaking into the padding of my neckbrace..... My eyes stuck forwards as my halo keeps me pinned in one direction.... Unless im turned that is, one way, then the other and then back to my back..... God its boring.... I cant move, cant feel, cant communicate....its just one long monotonous cycle of boredom....sometimes the nurses come in and put the radio on and play music whilst they change the bag of shit connected to my stomach....but thats rare.....an unusal break to my otherwise samey existence.... I just lay there, staring at the door