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LiteratureGuitar Zero Underdogs of RockGuitar Zero Underdogs of Rock Default Characters: Spike – Character in my Drawn to Life fan fiction. Coconut – My Chimchar alter ego from PMD2 and its fan fiction I wrote. Makar – A new original character of mine. Secret Characters: Mikau – The Zora guitarist’s ghost from Majora’s Mask. Erika Bone – A new original character of mine. Diddy Kong – Donkey Kong’s nephew. Banjo Bear – Bear from Isle O’ Hags with an amped up banjo courtesy of Kazooie. X. Ales – A new original character of mine. Slice – A new character of mine, a Raposa version of Slash. Demyx – SitarGusty Octagon GalaxyLiteratureShrike interviews Paratroopa(You can see some kind of title card) P.T.’s voice: Hey paisanos! It’s the Super P.T. Bros. Super Interview Show! Everyone is standing backstage. Lemmy: Okay, time to interview the species that won the poll and then to recruit them. Mii T.: How do we know they’ll accept the position? Lemmy: I have my ways… (An ominous silhouette of Rick Astley appears behind Lemmy.) Shrike: … Am I the only one that sees that? Everyone Else: Sees what? Shrike: … Never mind… Did we ever find Bill? Everyone Else: Who’s Bill? Shrike: … Lemmy: Shrike, you’re going crazy. You haven’tLiteratureLarry's Adventure III: Brotherhood Ch. 29Chapter 29.... Mario’s group went to Joke’s End to find the Water Crystal, meeting a few faces when they got there. Their host, Jojora, was going crazy because as it turned out, she was hopelessly lonely. After calming her rage, the Water Crystal was given to the heroes, then P.T. appeared to tell on Boshi. What will happen next? Toadbert: So what happens next? Rudy: I think this is the part where we go to Sky Land. Mario: This is a-the part where we a-go to Sky Land. CHAPTER 29 - THE PART WHERE THEY GO TO SKY LAND Lakithunder is flying around Sky Land until he notices something. Lakithunder: Hey Bro, I found him! Army HamLiteratureRRV: Banjo-TooieWarning: This story review is written for satirical purposes and should not be taken too seriously. There are spoilers, so read at your own risk. If you want to know what I really think of the subject matter, refer to the very end. If you like the game story that's reviewed, I don't think less of you as a person and you're free to like it. Being a satirical review, there's a 50/50 chance I actually like it myself. You have been warned. (A man in a red jacket, an arcade Donkey Kong shirt, blue pants, and black shoes is sitting on a couch in a living room.) Randy.: I'm Randy Reeve Viewer, I review game stories or rant about things I don't lLiteratureRRV: Drawn to LifeWarning: This review is written for satirical purposes and should not be taken too seriously. There is a good chance spoilers will be involved so read at your own risk. However if you do wish to know what I think of the subject matter, refer to the very end. If you like the game that's reviewed, I don't think less of you as a person and you're free to like it. Being a satirical review, there's a 50/50 chance I actually like it myself. You have been warned. (A man in a red overcoat with a classic Donkey Kong shirt, jeans, and black boots steps out of nowhere.) Man: My name is Randy Reeve Viewer and I'm here to review games and rant when neLiteratureTeam Chimpdile RosterSPOILERS FOR POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON 2 EXPLORERS OF TIME YOU'VE BEEN WARNED Okay, I figured I might as well share this. It's a list of most of the people on my team in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2. This isn't everyone, just the ones I cared to write down Team Chimpdile: "Coconut" (not real name)/Chimchar Teddy/Totodile Manaphy Cresselia Dialga Palkia Phione Uxie Mesprit Azelf Twjg (actual typo in the game)/Turtwig Tangler/Tangela (first one) Ducky/Psyduck Shinxa/Shinx Shawn/Luxio (formerly Shinx) Why-not/Wobbuffet (formerly Wynaut) Wurio/Dustox (formerly Wurmple, then Cascoon) Wormy/Caterpie Butter/Butterfree Seel Kab/LiteratureLemmy's Mansion 2: Paper Lemmy Chapter 10/EndChapter 10: A Ghost-Busting We Will Go During the final moments of the previous chapter, King Boo flew to the planet, and into E. Gadd's gallery. King Boo: Now where was it? Oh! Here it is! He takes Bogmire's portrait and pours the potion on it, the potion that turned him and Iggy back to normal. Bogmire: I'm free! King Boo: Take me to your aunt! Bogmire: 'Kay. Soon, Bogmire and King Boo are seen at the 1000-Year Door. Bogmire: On the other side of this door is my aunt! King Boo: Come with me. King Boo and Bogmire enter. How did they do it without the Crystal Stars, you ask? They're ghosts. They can go through walls. Meanwhile, Lemm