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LiteratureAndra's Journey, chapter IIIIt was early in the morning, the sun was rising and shops were slowly opening. The guild hall, though full, had a calm ambiance to it. Most members either just woke up or just returned from a job. Andra's hands clamped around a large, warm cup full of coffee. Her hearty breakfast was slowly devoured. She stared right into Ervalur Oakenriver's eyes. the giant teddy bear was wide awake and was slowly sipping away at his thee. "So, in just a few moments i'll be your mentor." Andra said in her morning voice "indeed you will be. I cannot wait for our first adventure together." "Don't think to much of it. We'll most likely end up doing some sort of fetch quest." He Chuckled. "You seem a bit displeased with fetch quest." She sighed, "They're just not the most rewarding of the bunch. They're mostly just a quick cash for hard labour. They have thier upsides, but you'll know them soon enough." She smiled. They made some small talk while they finnished thier breakfast and emptied thierLiteratureDivine intervention(version B)Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Her very being ruled over what was considered attractive. Any change she made to her own body, changed everyones perception of beauty. there were times where she was plump, portly, sickly thin or thick. To decide over her next change, she normally goes down to the earth and meet with the mortels. Now, however, she could use a human invention called the internet. There, she started her search. It didn't take long for her to see something she liked. All over she found men and women who had big muscles. from tones to a world-sized muscle goddess, all were found attractive. She had made her decision, she was going to get strong. With a quick snap of her finger, a gian halter appeard infront of her. She started with armcurls, feeling her biceps en triceps grow with each rep. Then came deadlifts, strengthing her legs and back. They were followed up by benchpresses, adding large layer of muscle below her ample bossem. She finnished off with a fewLiteratureDivine intervention(version A)Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Her very being ruled over what was considered attractive. Any change she made to her own body, changed everyones perception of beauty. there were times where she was plump, portly, sickly thin or thick. To decide over her next change, she normally goes down to the earth and meet with the mortels. Now, however, she could use a human invention called the internet. There, she started her search. It didn't take long for her to see something she liked. All over she found men and women who were obese, or even beyond that. from a bit pudgy to a world-sized blob, all were found attractive. She had made her decision, she was going to get fat. With a quick snap of her finger, giant hamburgers appeard. She grabbed one and took a close look at them. They had multiple meatpatties, a lot of bacon, cheese after every layer, even a stake and so more delicious, dripping saus than any burger ever had. She took bite after bite, feeling her body immediatlyMaddux- OC of  madduck1009 (1/3)LiteratureAladdin's wishesJust after taking the lamp and escaping its tomb, Aladdin is thinking about his very first wish. He wants Jasmine, but the genie can't make her love him. There must be another way. "Wait, what if i become a prince? then, i'll be able to get into the palace, conquer Jasmines hart and i'll be set for life?" Aladdin thought outloud "Are you sure, Al? you could do it, but it would all be a lie. She's gonna find out the truth eventually." the genie responded. "Yeah, you have a point. I need to get something noone else can over her. Wait! genie, what if I could summon various kinds of food from diffrent regions and times? Noone could over her food from a 1000 years later, right?" "yeah, noone could, unless the know how to make that food." "Great! in that case, For my first wish, I wish I could summon various kinds of food from diffrent times and places!" The Genie twisted his arms, as magic started to surround them. Aladdin found himself in a cloud of blue and purple smoke. He coughedLiteratureSupersize spy pt. 3Mike and Abby headed towards the party in Mikes limo. In it, he managed to pursuad her to eat and drink during the trip. When they arrived, she looked like a stuffed sausage and was drunk as she could be. Being under the influence, she could barely make out how everything looked. She couldn't recognize any face nor landmark. All she could registrate was Mike, who was ushering her to a large table filled with food. She was seated in a large chair, next to many other women who, bodytype-wise, were exactly like her. "Come on Janice," She heard Mike whisper in her ear "Eat your fill. I'll be here, massaging your fat belly." "W-who's J-janice?" She replied drunkily "You are, my little piggy. Are you not?" "Nnnnoh" Abby slurred "Meh names Abby" "Well then Abby, eat" And so, Abby started to feast on the magnificent food. Not caring about the fact she just revealed her identity. Mike rubbed, squized and poked her growing gut, wondering why Abby was working for her under a fake name.Literaturerise of the solar goddessYears have passed since Kirika Misono’s gratuation from Zashono academy. The busty, purpleheaded woman still remaind her as shameless and blunt as always. She had figure most people couldn’t stop staring at. Just like back then in the eiken club, she has a lot of fun teasing others with her body. One day, as she was heading back from work, she noticed a burito eating competition. Not one to give up one a free, tasty meal, she enterd without hesitation. As she sat down, she noticed that her competitors were all quit fat man, with stained clothes which were to small for them. Something awakend in Kirika. She always teased others with her breasts and ass, but she ignored the possebility of teasing with other soft body parts. As she was deep in though, she noticed the massive plates of burrito’s placed infront of her and the other contestents. She heared a loud bank and instict started taking over. She shoved Burrito after burrito in her mouth. Thier taste overwhelmingly good. SheLiteratureNot a lieChell woke up in a small chamber. All the walls were see-through, except for one white wall. One on which you could open portals, Chell knew. It was a familiar setting. She had woken up in one like it not to long age, at least she thinks it wasn't. It was when GLaDOS had tried to kill her after completing some tests with the portal gun. Chell didn't manage to kill GLaDOS after she destroyed her morality core. GLaDOS decided against killing her with neurotoxin and instead would run tests with Chell for ever. She Put her in suspension, setting up the testchambers. Chell stood up, but felt a bit more slugish as she did so then she was used to. She stood infront of the white wall, ready for the portal to open. "Goodmoring" An all to familiar robotic voice said. "I hope your ready, or not, we have a lot of tests to do. You will get a dual portal device after the first test. It should be familiar to you" Chell looked through the glass walls at the camera with a sneer. Then, an orange