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Pirate Ways - 11

11 Fever Sea, Southeast of the Smoker Isles of the Shackles 15 Sarenith (June) 4722 AR A fortnight later the Sea Urchin entered the waters around the Isles of the Shackles, and even Rhevi was using endure elements to protect her and Mango from the heat. She might have come from a hot desert country, but in Qadira there was no humidity to deal with; and it was that which made things unbearable. They were in the deep south and summer would officially be underway in another week’s time. This region of the Arcadian Ocean was called the Fever Sea, and the waters were a beautiful aquamarine; in shallower areas you could see the corals and white sand below the waves. And the sharks. As they sailed past the island dominated by Mount Keeba, Cera and Meilin leaned on the railing and stared in amazement – it was their first volcano. Known by most people in the archipelago as the Smoker, it was the largest active volcano in the Shackles. Masses of smoke and rivulets of molten lava were


Pirate Ways - 7

7 Arcadian Ocean South of Wolf’s Tooth 10 Desnus (May) 4722 AR Odd as it may have seemed, giant squid were one of the less fearsome sea monsters in the Arcadian Ocean that a pirate schooner like the Sea Urchin had to worry about. At least the thing could be fought off and even killed, especially with shackled sorcerers on board. They’d lost one crewman to the voracious cephalopod, and Captain Crispin knew they’d gotten off lucky to have escaped with only a single man dead. Nor was it only monsters the pirate vessel had to contend with. They were sailing in waters patrolled by the Chelish Navy, and full-blown warships were no joke. So Crispin kept his schooner out of the main shipping lanes near the coastline of Nidal and Cheliax. The ship left the Steaming Sea and entered the Arcadian Ocean proper, keeping west of the Hellmouth Gulf Archipelago as it made its way south. In fact Crispin decided to stay in the open ocean, well away from Cheliax and the Hespereth Strait that led to