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Soul Calibur V- Episode IV

Soul Calibur V Episode 4 PAT's eyes open. He sits up, looking around. He sees that he's in a fairly small white tent. He notes the bandages around himself and sees his armor laying in an open chest next to a short-sword. PAT Where the hell am I? ZWEI is revealed to be sitting in a chair behind and to the side of him. ZWEI Schwarzwind. Pat turns around, seeing Zwei. He panics, rolling out of bed to the chest and grabbing the short-sword, pointing it at Zwei. Zwei doesn't move. ZWEI So you wake up after I knock you out a second time and the first thing you think is "let's try this again"? PAT Third time's the charm. ZWEI Relax. You're h


Soul Calibur V- Episode V

Soul Calibur V Episode 5 Ext. PAT, ZWEI, and VIOLA are riding down a forest road on horseback. Pat holds Soul Calibur out in the open and the three examine it as the horses barely move at a trot. PAT According to Elysium, this is the truest expression of my soul, huh? ZWEI I doubt it. It looks too cool. PAT This coming from the guy that rarely if ever grips his sword correctly. ZWEI I have a different way of doing things. PAT You mean by twirling it by the hilt-guards? ZWEI Swords aren't my first discipline, you know. VIOLA I'd assume that would be jumping on your opponent and mauling them. ZWEI It's a graceful art, but my first weap


Soul Calibur V- Episode VIII

Soul Calibur V Episode 8 EXT. Viola sits under the shade of a tree on a beautiful day, Arcanum in her lap. Pat sits up, listening intently, and Zwei lays back, half asleep. VIOLA Alright, Pat. I see you surrounded by vast wealth. PAT Really? I guess I do pretty well for myself! VIOLA None of it's yours. ZWEI It's not like you could seduce a queen or anything like that. PAT Hey, I'm plenty charming, right Viola? VIOLA I'm staring into time here. Stop asking questions that have obvious answers. Pat blushes slightly, getting unduly hopeful. PAT So, that's a yes? Viola drops Arcanum from its floating. VIOLA Wow. The answer was "no" so


Soul Calibur V- Episode IX

Soul Calibur V Episode 9 INT. Lusignan's palace. Lusignan, his Entourage, Pat, Viola, and Zwei sit together in the parlor. Lusignan is frustrated and Zwei is hung over. LUSIGNAN I hope the city was to your liking. Was it not, Lady Viola and Sir Patroklos? PAT It certainly was. VIOLA The people here are a lovely bunch when they're not being starved to death. LUSIGNAN Then can you explain to me how you managed to lose all of the jewels I let you borrow for the evening? Cut to Pat and Viola giving the jewelry to the townsfolk. PAT Well... VIOLA The thief struck again and we couldn't stop him without Zwei, tactical genius that he is. Cu


Soul Calibur V- Episode VII

Soul Calibur V Episode 7 INT. Cultist barracks. PAT stands below as the camera creeps up on him from AEON's perspective. Pat turns around, ready to draw his sword. Aeon crawls forward faster, leaping at him with twin axes. Pat rolls back. Cut back to a third person perspective. Aeon creeps towards Pat. PAT Wait a minute. Aeon's ear fins perk up in curiosity. PAT Do you know what they're going to do to you and your people once it's time for the ritual? Aeon's view drifts a bit, sadly before rejoining Pat's view with the same determination. PAT Then you know they'll betray and kill you all. They don't respect the Lacertae, even though yo