Explore the Best Nakededit Art | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Part 2: Pineapple and Valentino go on a Naked Date

As they continuously walk to the destination Pineapple is taking Valentino to, Valentino breaks his silence to speak with Pineapple. "Sooo… Pineapple, where are we going, you lovely bluke?" Pineapple turns his head to Val for a second before turning his head back to a straight direction. "Ah, so I have to wait, okay." As Valentino and Pineapple continuously walked, Pineapple stopped dead in his tracks. "Well, where is the place, Pineapple?" Valentino said. Pineapple's penis erected in a straight direction. Val looks at Pineapple's penis, and looks ahead to see an outdoor restaurant in the direction Valentino, noticing there might be people in there, covers his crotch as his face turns red from the anticipated embarrassment he might receive. "Pineapple, I don't feel comfortable showing off my chubby naked body in a restaurant." Valentino said, with his face all red and everything. Pineapple, not hearing him, walks Val into the restaurant with one arm. Val, preparing for humiliation, closes his eyes, as a naked Pineapple drags Val's nude body. Valentino, then, opens his eyes, realizing he's not at the restaurant, but in another world. Pineapple and Val stand together on a hill of bones, butt naked, looking upon the skeletons that inhabit this world. Valentino realizes he is back in the underworld that he and his half brother once visited beforehand. But now he is with Pineapple, with no clothing on themselves. Just flesh and genitals showing. "What an interesting place to take me for our first nude date together, Pineapple." said Valentino. But before he can say anything, Pineapple slides down the hill, head first, seemingly unfazed by the bones grinding on his penis. Val decided to slide down as well, back first though. As Val almost reaches the ground, Pineapple gets up and stands with a skull covering his erected penis. But little did he know that Val was right behind his ass, as Valentino slammed his face to Pineapple's chubby ass. Pineapple looks behind his shoulder and notices that Val's face was inside his ass, and smiled. He picked up Val from his skin and placed him next to him. Val stands right back up and looks at Pineapple. "That's a nice butt right there, Pineapple" said Valentino as he touched Pineapple's butt. Pineapple looks at him as Val continuously touches his butt, then looks away as Val stops. Pineapple bends his back over and Val jumps on his nude back. Pineapple proceeds to walk for a distance and the nude lovers set on an adventure through the Underworld.


Part 1: Valentino has a nude adventure

Valentino takes a walk for himself to get away from his annoying half-brother at home. Feeling sweaty, as he walked for miles, Valentino took his clothes off and was standing around in his tighty whities. His shoes, socks, pants, and shirt were folded up neatly on a rock nearby. As he begins to decide which route to take, a gust of wind comes over and blows his clothes away to the woods. Valentino panics and drops his map to chase after his clothes. They kept flying as he still chased them. But as he ran after his clothes, a tree branch nearby stopped him, by twigging at his tighty whities. Valentino starts to panic, as he begins to aggressively try and get out of this situation. But it may have not thought about the outcome of it. As his tighty whities ripped to pieces and Valentino felt a cold breeze flying near his chubby butt. He touched it and he felt his naked butt. Valentino realized and covered his small penis with his hands, as he was butt naked with no form of clothes in sight. Valentino panicked and attempted to run out of the woods, covering his crotch as he ran. He saw the light and prepared for the public. He reached the light and is now out of the woods. But now that he is out of the woods, now he has another problem in his hands, he's not wearing any clothes, not even any underwear. Valentino's chubby butt stuck out, as he was a chubby boy. And now as he is in public, the crowd might laugh at his nude body. Valentino was a mile away from his home, but he had to be sneaky as so many people were cruisering around the main path to his home. Valentino crotched down and found a potted plant outside. Valentino ran to it and went behind it. He searches throughout the scene of the kids he would often hang with. With the blink of an eye, he catches Pineapple alone, looking at the kids. Valentino hatches an idea to take any attention off of him. "PINEAPPLE, COME OVER HERE!" Shouted Valentino Pineapple hears it and comes on over to the area. Before he can see anything, Val grabs him and yanks him near himself. "Pineapple." whispered Valentino to Pineapple. "I don't if you notice this, but I'm not wearing any clothes." whispers Val, as he spreads his thighs to show off his small penis. Pineapple looks at it, very carefully. "So can you take your clothes off, and go out in public and so the crowd can focus on you and I make a mad dash to my home." Pineapple approaches his head near him and before he can do anything, he pulls out a pen and paper, and writes. Sends the letter onto Val's naked chest. Valentino reads it and agrees on it, shaking Pineapple's hand. Pineapple got up and started to take his clothes off, before taking his underwear off. He made a dash towards the crowd, who looked at Pineapple's big butt and his average sized penis, wobbling around his chubby body. Valentino sees that everyone is distracted by Pineapple and makes a mad dash for it, as his chubby naked body flopped around. He made it to his home and attempted to go into the backyard of the house. He opened the glass door and made a mad dash to his room as his half-brother and grandma were not in the house at the time. He opened his room and closed it. He never felt any more attempted humiliation in public than what he endured about 15 minutes ago. Valentino stands alone in the room, butt naked. He decided to go take a shower as his chubby naked body was sweating from both the physical exercise and the pressure. 3 hours later, Val was sleeping, until he heard a knock on the window, near him. Valentino gets up and sees Pineapple on top of the balcony, still butt naked. "Oh hey, didn't expect you to still be here, all naked, haha." laughed Valentino Pineapple looks at him, with his normal mad face, as his penis begins to sprung up into an erection. "Oh" said Valentino. "The note you gave me earlier? You want to do this now?" Pineapple shakes his head with a slight yes. Valentino sighs, "Well, okay, after all that. But I want to make it up with you for what you did to me." Valentino takes his pajamas off and slowly takes his underwear as well. Valentino is butt naked once again, and slowly goes downstairs to the front door. Valentino and Pineapple met up in front of the house, butt naked, and Pineapple held Valentino's hand. Valentino looks at him, and sees Pineapple blushing. Valentino would soon blush back as they head out to destination unknown, as their chubby butts wiggled and their penises sway from side to side.