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Foxtober 30 Dust - Windy Plight

As the sun reached its highest point, the fox finally managed to pull itself together long enough to find an oasis. Nose twitching, he moved over to the water to finally get a drink. With a long sigh afterwards, he looked around. He was hoping to find a place to hunker down before another gust of wind scattered him. When he found no shelter, he took off at a trot into the desert. He didn’t know how long he was traveling for when he found another oasis. Sniffing the water, he took another drink and was ready to take off again when his ears perked up. One gave a twitch as he looked around. It was a low roar, but it had him scrambling for the rocky outcroppings nearby. The sand started to pick up around his feet as he tried to run faster. Slowly, his body started to break away as the wind grew stronger. With a huff, he plopped on the ground. He’ll try again when the winds finally dropped him somewhere else. With a grumble, his body finally disappeared along the wind currents.


Foxtober 24 Nightmare - Vanguard

Wide awake, and it starts with a dark space. Quite possibly a room, but the will to explore is drowned out by the fear of moving. The darkness presses in from all sides, looming. There are loud sounds and hissing shrieks. As the noises come closer, that’s when it shows. Its presence is felt, but its whole body melts into the surrounding darkness. The noises hesitate at the presence that spills into the surrounding darkness. At first, one set of large glowing eyes open, and they pan over the area looking for the noises. Slowly, another set of eyes open, smaller but above the first set. The eyes glow and light up a part of the presence’s face. A large smokey snout can be seen, and when it opens, shows rows of sharp white teeth. A bright blue tongue flicks out to lick at its lips before lunging for the noises. When the noises fall quiet again, and the presence is the only thing left, it slowly slinks back into the void it came from. Leaving the room to feel as dark and empty as it


Foxtober 26-29 Wings and Raven - Morning Flight

The ravens cried out as the forest slowly grew bright. The tree branches creaked in the wind as fallen leaves rustled on the ground. A small head poked out of a hollow tree hole to watch as the ravens took off flying. Slowly climbing out onto a thick branch near its hole, the small black and silver fox yawned as it stretched. Two small black wings stretched out with its body before folding up to rest against its back. Red eyes watched as the ravens flew before it wiggled its butt and sprang into the air. They stretched out their small wings and pushed past the tree tops. It sored with the ravens, circling, looking for food or new things to play with. When something caught the fox’s eyes. The wind ruffled through feathers as they dove towards the ground. Its small body splashed into the cool water. A few seconds later, the fox’s head popped up out of the water with a fish and started to paddle to the water's edge. Laying in a warm patch of sun, the little fox slowly worked on breakfast,


Foxtober Day 08, 10, 11 - Dance With Moths

The fox slowly made his way across the open field, randomly nestled among the tall pines. He would stop now and then and sniff at a fallen leaf from a bush or paw at a rock to see if something spooked. His ears would twitch in one direction before twitching in another as he listened to the forest life around him. He was almost to the center of the field when he heard it. It was the sound of soft fluttering wings. Looking up and focusing on the sound, he found some moths fluttering about. Creeping closer, he watched as one dipped and weaved in the air. He paused to watch, before stepping past a ring of mushrooms catching the attention of the moths. One fluttered down at him, making him dip his head to keep it from landing on his ears. He watched as the moth dipped down again to try and land on his head. He reared back on his hind paws to bat at the playful moth. It darted away, and he sat back to watch, only for the moths to start dipping and weaving. Enticing him to dance and play with