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A Transporter Vacation - 6

Part 6 Over the next few days, he watched with concern as she alternated between being distant and clingy. She disappeared for hours at a time. She complained of long-lasting headaches and rubbed her eyes a lot. She couldn’t make it through a whole movie without severe tiredness and blurry vision. Even the strongest pain killers didn't help. It seemed to be getting worse too quickly to be mere fatigue. “I don’t know what’s happening to you, but it’s bad. I don’t care what you say. I’m taking you to the hospital.” She didn’t have enough energy to resist. “I will go, but I need to tell you something first.” “I’m listening.” With that, she described details of the program that had made her inescapably blind for their vacation idyll. She couldn’t keep from crying as she explained that she purposely designed it to change her immune system so it would have attacked her eyes if she hadn't removed them. She was afraid he would condemn her obsessive thoroughness now that it was completely


An agreement between friends - 2

Based on characters and events from DA posts by Voculus. Used with permission. https://www.deviantart.com/voculus/gallery This vignette is back-story explaining how and why Daphne is blind during the events of the "Daphne's errand" tale. Visit Voculus’ gallery to know more about what led up to this. Part 2 Joan and Kate have accompanied Daphne to her appointment with Eris at the clinic. Eris: "Daphne, if you decide to proceed, we will use a small dose of propofol that will only keep you asleep for about an hour, and there won't be any grogginess afterwards. While you're out, I will numb the edges of your eyelids with a topical anesthetic to help with any post-surgery discomfort, then use a long-lasting surgical adhesive to position and secure them so the sutures can be applied perfectly. The end result will be painless, as long as you don’t try to pull them apart by force. "Kate: "Brilliant! The adhesive will keep gaps from opening up between the sutures, and the stitches


Welcome complications - 1

Based on characters and events from DA posts by Voculus. Used with permission. https://www.deviantart.com/voculus/gallery Laura is an actress and barista who enjoys simulating blindness with custom-made makeup appliances that seal her eyes closed. They were originally used to make her appear eyeless for a movie role, and she was surprised to discover that she wanted to prolong the experience of being blind. It has become quite the hobby, and she uses them as often as she can when she's off work… Part 1 It took a bit of groping around for Laura to find her cellphone, but she managed to answer it before the call went to voice-mail. "Hi Laura! It's Evonne. How are you?" "I'm great! I have some new people and things in my life, and I'm really enjoying them! It's good to hear from you! How have you been?" "Wow! Make sure you tell me all the juicy details when you're ready! So happy to hear you're having fun! I'm good too. Things are pretty calm for me right now, but I like the


This could happen... some of it already has - 15

Part 15 - The reveal When the family sat down to dinner, Jeff and Cath entered the dining room last. She was still using her light “indoor” cane to avoid marring her Mom's cherished furniture, or hurting anybody’s ankles. The huge dining table had been set up to accommodate twelve people, and Cath knew how to get to the preplanned place reserved for her, with Jeff on one side and Claire on the other. Miriam was sitting on the other side of Claire, and they had their heads together discussing something in excited whispers. Cath walked around the perimeter of the room using her cane, then propped it into a corner of the wall behind her seat and found the chair with her hands. She pulled it out and sidled around it to sit gracefully as Jeff courteously pushed it in for her. She smiled up at him in thanks, felt for her cloth napkin and elegantly draped it over her lap. Then she delicately patted around on the table in front of her with her hands to confirm the position of the plates


Daphne's errand - 2

Based on characters and events from DA posts by Voculus. Used with permission. https://www.deviantart.com/voculus/gallery Part 2 "I CAN'T SEE!" Saying the words to herself and deeply feeling the reality of them scares her, but also makes a familiar thrill run up and down her body. She wants more. She decides to wallow around in the new feelings of vulnerability and helplessness that are simultaneously exciting and frustrating her, for just a little while longer. Daphne to herself, out loud: “I am totally blind. I can’t go anywhere without my cane. I have no idea what’s happening around me unless it smells, makes noise, or someone with working eyes tells me about it. I can only ‘see’ by touching. I have to feel my way around with my hands and feet all the time. Bumping into people and things is my way of life. I need to ask for help with stuff that used to be simple. I concentrate all the time trying to keep from getting lost, but it happens anyway. I know how to be a good blind


A Transporter Vacation - Aftermath

Aftermath [Substantial updates on 9/27/24 & 9/29/24] In the times that followed, her resilience, positive attitude, creativity and natural confidence served her well. She pragmatically accepted total and permanent blindness as her normal state of being, without futile reluctance and with very few moments of regret. Being completely sightless made many things harder, and some things impossible, but she turned them into mere inconveniences whenever she could. She couldn't see, but she was still the same person. She had gotten into this all by herself, and she couldn't change it, so she didn't bother to think much about being blind; she just did it. She was intrigued to find that without visual sensation of any kind, and the absence of anything that moved under her eyelids, it no longer felt like her connection to the world was centered in her face or head. Instead, the entire front of her body within reach of her arms, legs, or cane became her primary sensory zone. Now that she could


A Transporter Vacation - Epilogue

Epilogue Returning home from the hospital - It was a bright and comfortable day, so he set the dome of the flyer to full-transparent and let in the outside air for the low altitude auto-piloted trip home. It pleased him greatly to watch her laugh with enjoyment when she felt the warmth and smelled the scents that wafted through the cabin. She was obviously feeling fine now, and looked relaxed, comfortable, and fully herself. He was almost deliriously happy to see her free of pain and able to rest. He could tell from the way she was using her hands to experimentally examine her face, hair, clothing and surroundings that she was concentrating on getting used to the permanent loss of her eyes and sight, and intentionally focusing all her attention on exercising her remaining senses. The sun on the ocean covered it with scintillating white sparks as they passed down the coast. When they turned inland, the forest and meadows surrounded them with peaceful green. They moved in and out of


This could happen... some of it already has - 8

Part 8 - New friends (Posted ahead of Part 7, which isn't finished yet) It was a balmy Tuesday afternoon, and Cath was on one of her solo walks. Her concentration was suddenly smashed, and she almost jumped out of her skin when a viciously barking dog charged over to the fence next to the sidewalk only a foot from her as she passed. She reflexively shied to her right, stumbling off the sidewalk and into what felt like a flowerbed. She had never heard any sign of a dog near that location before, so she was completely unprepared to deal with one there now. She stopped dead in fear, not wanting to take a chance on antagonizing it by making any sudden moves. She had no way to tell if it was a threat, and couldn’t know which way she should go to escape if it was. She had never felt endangered by her blindness like this before. Most of the time, the impenetrable blackness that was all she could see only lurked disregarded in the background of her perceptions, but now it seemed to