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Outlander - Prelude

Second millennium of Solar Age is recognized as most crucial in the history of the Equis, Gryphus and Draconia. It was a climax of period of great political and social transformations, which seeds had been planted 200 years before Nightmare Moon return, caused by revolution of ethnic groups living at Equestria territory, who was against the indivisible rule of Equinors. Due to political and social status of revolutionists, revolution went to history as the Forsaken Insurgency. This revolution was longest anti-state uprising in the history of Equestria, started in the 801, lasted to the 821 year of the Solar Age. Modern military strategy analysts made it clear, that the uprising should have ended after 5 years of fight, if it wasn’t for the equestrian natural terrain. Longterm imperial policy of the Queen of the Equestria, Celestia I var Nordstar-Vadrogorov-Equinox-Solstice, allowed to create a powerful empire spanning from sea to sea, rich in varied ecosystems, supporting the longest