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Humans are Space elves. Or so we thought.

Humans are Space elves. Or so we thought. By Warr Ainjal On several screens at the imperium hi command. A blue lizard in a white captain’s uniform and began to speak. It has been 20 solars cycles since the last contact with Nal-rath. I, Captain Jal-roth-tow. Having been charged with re-establishing contact. I hereby make a video report to the imperium overseers. Containing an interview with a surviving member of the Nal-reth. Be aware that the global translator appears to have localized the names of certain mythic creatures for better clarity. The screen flashed, to a rather shaggy bipedal animal with large claws sat on an old chair made of the local plant life. Outside a clearly disheveled home. Listen, Captain. The earthlings are not the intergalactic do-gooder’s everyone else thinks they are. For we Nal-rath. Found this out when we crossed them. Our governance mistook ther kindness for subservience. Their lack of requirement for any repayment as cowardness. And their


The Days of Regret

By Warr Ainjal charger leaveing the cave Vaulting the walls of Cantorlot she flew most of the day and then long in to the night. Changelings out of instinct find shelter in the depths of the ground. A cold cave is almost like a mother calling to them in times of fear. Finally Charger spotted a cave. Exhausted she dove into the blackness. and fell asleep as the dawn broke. Celetia had had fitful night of sleep. her mind flashing back and forth between visons of Charger standing above her or a norther s maw at her throat. With her head pounding she rose the son. Shunning her normal court duty’s. She set out to set her mind


A Town Discorded

Charger Just before leaving the thone room. A Town Discorded By Warr Ainjal Calestia elevated the book and eye patch in front of Charger. She paced the patch on her right eye. Blocking the fake manuscript form her mind. Asked permission to have the scribes right down the words as she spoke them. Wen ink and quill appeared. Began to read. To my children in order to help you understand what you are. You must understand how you came in to being. Back in the time of my grand parents There was no changeling race it was a time when discord ruled and the land was laid bear by his power. Any crop that was planted another sprang up in