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Wessex Formation Story Cast

Aristosuchus pusillus Baryonyx walkeri Bernissartia sp. Caulkicephalus trimicrodon Embolemopsis maryannae Eotyrannus lengi Eucamerotus foxi Helochelydra nopcsai Hypsilophodon foxii Iguanodon bernissartensis Istiodactylus latidens Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis Neovenator salerii Polacanthus foxii Wesserpeton evansae Yaverlestes gassoni


The Storm

The storm rages on outside, sending lightning bolts and roaring with thunder. Dark clouds took away the nice blue sky that revealed the sun to shine down on us and brighten our day. I hide in my room to wait out the storm as it gets worse by the second. The wind blows loudly, creating a haunting rhythm that sounds like hollow screaming. A tree branch is whacked against my house, creating a bang that startles me. Rain comes down on my roof, reminiscent of a hundred tiny soldiers walking above. When this horrible thing will end is beyond me, so I get in bed and go to sleep to wait it out. Going to sleep is a hassle as the raging wind and bright flashes of lightning keep me awake. Eventually I pass out and finally rest. Once I open my eyes, I don’t hear anything outside except for birds singing peacefully. Seeing this as a good sign, I sit up to see the sun shining through my window, brightening up my room. I then take a look outside to see that the storm has ended completely. People


Primal Fan Hope Creatures V2

Allosaurus Amargasaurus Ankylosaurus Archaeopteryx Archelon Argentavis Arthropleura Aurochs Beelzebufo Brachiosaurus Brontosaurus Brontotherium (or Megacerops) Carnotaurus Castoroides Cave bear Cave hyena Cave lion Ceratosaurus Chalicothere Chasmosaurus Corythosaurus Desmatosuchus Diplocaulus Diplodocus Diprotodon Dire wolf Dodo Dragon Dunkleosteus Edaphosaurus Edmontosaurus (or Anatotitan) Elasmotherium Entelodont Eohippus Gallimimus Gastornis (or Diatryma) Giganotosaurus Giant bee Giant crab Giant swan Gigantopithecus Giant scorpion Gorgonopsid Gorgosaurus Guanlong Helicoprion Hesperornis Ichthyornis Iguanodon Kaprosuchus Kentrosaurus King Kong grosbeak Leedsichthys Long-horned bison Longisquama Lystrosaurus Macrauchenia Mastodon Megalania Megaloceros Megalodon Megalosaurus Meganthropus Megapiranha (or