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First Meeting by KrakenGuard, literature

A maleficent tale, Diaval x Reader 5 by mar93, literature

Redeemed - Mr. Lucky by BalunStormhands, literature

Back to the Future castArnold and HelgaRainbow Dust and Rainbow DashThunderbirds castBack to the Future castBack to the Future castPoirot, Hastings and JappWe still Miss father Jack

SheilaAriel, Eric, Rapunzel and FlynnAurora, Jasmine, Cinderella and TianaPimlott and BarrettSheila with a cameraRainbow princessesThe Last Detective castElsa

Once, I was huntedEldar FalconProject FioraMaleficent Portrait 05Try me!Sharp blade, sharp mindStand your ground here!Your fear betrays you

Redeemed - Phillip and Eugene's Battle by BalunStormhands, literature