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thicc gf sits on minus gf

an old story i posted forever ago on amino, with a few tweaks thicx gf art made by mewpsycutter MGF = minus gf TGF = thicc girlfriend let the story begin Minus Girlfriend was sitting at the theater (which her parents had generously temporarily rented for the night) by herself, waiting for an early morning meetup with Thicc Girlfriend. She hummed to herself as she waited for the fellow mod to show up. "Hm, it's 12:38. She's already three hours and 8 minutes late." She looked around for signs of TGF, but found none. "I guess a quick nap wouldn't hurt. I don't think she'll be here soon." She wiggled a bit and yawned before relaxing on the crimson red chair, sinking into the fabric. "Good thing this seat's comfy." She closed her eyes and almost instantly fell asleep. At around 3:21, Thicc Girlfriend arrived, sweaty and panting, and opened the door and squeezed through, smashing the doorway wide open. Looks like she wouldn't have trouble coming in next time. "Sorry I'm late, slept a bit too late and had a hard time looking for a limo that could handle my weight." She looked around and didn't notice the Crimson-colored Minus Girlfriend sitting on the seats. "Huh, I guess she's not exactly on time herself." She went to sit down, unknowingly plopping her 800-pound rump on the sleeping MGF. Minus Girlfriend suddenly felt 800 pounds of sweaty fat ass instantly crush her into the fabric of the chair, letting out a massive wheeze muffled into silence as she was also wedged between the sweaty, smelly cheeks. She tried to yell, but could only muster a pathetic groan, which was barely even audible. Meanwhile, the supermassive girlfriend sat there panting. "Wow, these seats are extra comfy." She wiggled a bit and relaxed, getting even comfier while also grinding on MGF. Meanwhile, the poor crimson girl had a few ribs cracked and an arm which was almost twisted off and a shoulder broken by the grind. She was forced to huff the stench of sweat as her head was also cracked and neck almost snapped by the grind as her head was wedged between TGF's massive cheeks. Yet against all odds, a nosebleed was forming from a blush. The feeling of helplessness and the knowledge that her life could be put to a brief end in one sudden twitch had aroused her. And the stench had only made it even better. Thicc Girlfriend had grabbed some popcorn she bought and began to eat it, when suddenly her belly grumbled loudly. "Oh, no. I knew I shouldn't have stopped to get Taco Bell." She holds her stomach in pain as she lets out a loud BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! right onto MGF, shaking the entire theater as the seat trapped the horrid gas in between her asscheeks. "Ah, there we go." She rubbed her no longer aching belly, contented yet again. This had only made the now horny Minus Girlfriend even hornier, along with frying a majority of her braincells. She was internally begging to be crushed and tortured more, instilling the feeling of hopelessness. She attempted to squirm a bit to try to speak to Thicc Girlfriend. This move had surprised the voluptuous girlfriend, causing her to jump up and then land rump-first onto the ground, instantly crushing MGF flat and smashing her bones to dust, leaving pretty much a flattened crimson ketchup packet. She then got up after a bit of struggling before looking at the crater and seeing the flattened mess that was Minus Girlfriend. "Oh, shit! You okay?" After a few seconds, MGF's bones melted together and reformed as she eventually got up. The thicc girlfriend hugged her immediately, almost crushing the small girl's back in half. "My bad, I had NO idea you were there!" The Minus Girlfriend kinda woozily put her hand up to the Thicc Girlfriend's mouth, silencing the giant woman. "Shhh, it's a'ight. I loved every second." "Oh, really?" MGF nodded in response. "Well, want me to do it again?" "Yep, but this time do it with your thighs. I wanna see the movie while you squeeze me like a watermelon." Thicc Girlfriend obliged and sat down, putting Minus Girlfriend between her thighs and squeezing her. MGF moaned and smiled at TGF as she smiled back. Then they both turned their attention back to the movie and shared their popcorn. The End


A Stinky Day in the Woods Part 2

this is a sequel to my last story if you wanna read it, click here https://www.deviantart.com/d4ndr01d/art/A-Stinky-Day-in-the-Woods-920473101 CW: still has most of the stuff from the first chapter except Aurora groggily awoke after the vicious gassy attack from her own pet and looked around, her vision blurry. After her eyes had cleared up, she saw a brown-skinned woman with bodily proportions not unlike Maggie, and wearing a bear rug. She also looked around and noticed five other absolutely gargantuan bears, around the same size as Maggie. Among those five bears was Maggie herself. She then looked down due to feeling a near crushingly tight strap, and realized she was tied to a tree. Before she could scream, the ebony woman grabbed Aurora by the neck, strangling her with the force of a giant, before tearing her off of the tree as if the rope was paper, and bringing her face-to-face. What Aurora saw was an absolutely ferocious face with blood-red eyes, a very sharp set of gritted canines that would put a killer whale's to shame, some dried blood stains, and a surprisingly beautiful undertone with well-kept eyelashes and fairly neat eyebrows. Aurora's admiration of the beautiful parts of her face was near immediately cut off by the bear woman's absolutely repulsive breath as she roared at her. ???: "What name?" Aurora: "I-I'm just a camper! I'm-" ???: "Me not ask for what are! Me ask for what name!" Aurora: "M-My name is Aurora!" ???: "Aurora... Maggie tell me about Aurora." Aurora: "She did?" ???: "She tell me Aurora no feed enough! She want eat more!" Aurora: "B-But I can't feed-" ???: "QUIET! As Bear Queen, me listen to bear wants and give!" Aurora: "S-So you're the Bear Queen?" Bear Queen: "Yes, me Bear Queen." Aurora: "S-So what will you do to me?" Bear Queen: "Me let bears give punishment. Have fun." The Bear Queen throws Aurora to the ground as the bears surround her, each one with big, bloated bellies. Aurora held up her hands and tried to reason things out. "W-Wait! We can talk this out!" Two bears bite Aurora's arms and pull them back, leaving her face an open target. "Maggie, I'll feed you as much as- MMPH!" Aurora was cut off as one of the bears crushes her face with their fat, fuzzy, and damp ass. This bear was called Buttercup, and she was the smallest and weakest of the group. Despite this, she still weighed a magnificent 800 pounds and had a stench that could burn nostrils like french fries. Aurora struggled as the immense pressure nearly crushed her entire upper body flat. Buttercup ground her ass on Aurora's face, making sure that the smaller girl's puny lips would be locked around the bear's sticky, rancid pucker. She then ripped ass right into Aurora's mouth, causing the vicious gas to partially kill her lungs and flood her mouth with one of the worst tastes since Maggie's gas. This proceeded for four hours until she FINALLY got up. Aurora was given five minutes to regain her breath before Maggie went up next. Each of the bears got four hours each, from weakest to most powerful, until all five were done. Aurora was left a wheezing, sobbing, smelly, and broken mess. Then the Bear Queen stepped in. "Hmph. If bear no finish you, then me will!" The bear woman grabbed Aurora and squeezed her into a towel. She then got farts and sweat all soaked into Aurora for the next four hours. Aurora, by some untimely miracle, had not passed out. "Hm. Perhaps Big Mama finish you." The Bear Queen walked off with the Aurora fart rag still stuck deep between her cheeks, to a giant cave high in the mountain nearby. part 3 coming soon


A Stinky Day in the Woods Part 1

CW: contains lots of farting and squashing, a bit of hotboxing, some cartoon flattening, domestic bear/human, female/female, and suffocation Aurora was currently waking up and getting ready for another day in the woods, making sure to brush her teeth and get dressed. Aurora was a 5'5 and petite lady, but she wouldn't let that stop her as she had her gargantuan pet bear Maggie on her side. Maggie was the complete opposite of Aurora, being twice the height of the small girl even on all fours. She also had a very big appetite and would on average eat five pieces of meat every quarter-hour, so this made her very hefty too, weighing in at almost an entire ton. She was also very sweaty, ESPECIALLY her ass. No matter what temperature it was, Maggie's ass was always sweaty. Even after a bath it would smell like ass. She also had a liking for squashing people, especially Aurora. This was usually either by "accident" or because she forgot to feed her. She was petty, rude, and spoiled rotten, but Aurora still loved her and even found a good side of protective, caring, and playful. Of course, that good side wouldn't show itself today. Aurora had finished getting ready and would now open up her tent, only to find... Maggie's giant butt in the way. "Maggie, think you can move?" No response came from the bear except a small, angry huff. Aurora approached the ass in an attempt to squeeze past the sides, but was simply halted by an explosive, rancid fart. Aurora fell back, coughing loudly as her nose burned and her eyes watered from the repulsive stench, and not to mention it had filled up the tent. She pinched her nose and let out an annoyed groan. "Dammit Maggie, what did I say about farting in the tent?" The bear made no reply and instead wiggled her ass into the tent, plugging up the doorway and ensuring no escape for the stench or Aurora. Then she let it rip even more, making it harder for Aurora to breathe as all the air was replaced with noxious fumes. She just sat there, gagging and coughing, unaware of Maggie's ass looming overhead and preparing to crush her. And it did exactly that, causing a ground-shaking WHUMP and crushing Aurora. Maggie grinded her ass into the ground, getting Aurora deep between before clenching her cheeks and letting it rip even harder. "MMMPH! MMPFGH!" was all Aurora could muster as the bear flooded the tiny space between her cheeks with more gas, making Aurora dizzy from how potent and smelly it all was. It smelled like every single type of fart swirled into one, and combined with the ass sweat all it did was create what can only be described as liquid farts. "What did I do to deserve this..?" was all Aurora could muster in her head as the bear continued ripping ass, some of the foul liquid getting into her mouth and causing her to gag, letting in a hurricane of noxious fumes straight into her mouth and made her feel like she had been hit in the solar plexus by a truck. Then she realized she didn't give Maggie enough food for the night, which is why she was so upset. She eventually passed out, being as flat as a pancake and smelling like actual shit. Maggie yanked her tiny, flattened owner out from between her asscheeks and began dragging her off to another group of bears, just as big and nasty as Maggie. Her and the five other bears began walking off, bringing Aurora to her doom. this was something i wanted to work on cus i like fat, feral, gassy bears, so i figured why not make a story based on that?