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Not in front of the guys!LiteratureEdd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 8: Part 1Edd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 8 Originally by: scv25~~~and Continued by: LoveMySockhead12 ------------------ Upon entering Ed's slightly respectable home, Eddy had dropped his belongings off by the front door without a second thought, bound for the basement. Double D had stepped in behind him, carefully closing the door and frowning at his friend's carelessness. He would've stopped to pick up his mess, but he was cut short by a call from the next room. Edd sauntered down the stairs to find his friends staring at him rather expectantly. "Fess up, Sockhead." "I beg your pardon?" "You know what," Eddy slid over to him, sitting backwardsLiteratureEdd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 7: Part 3Edd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 7 Originally by: scv25~~~and Continued by: LoveMySockhead12 ------------------ 'Great,' You furrowed your brow in utter exasperation, glaring angrily at the principal's desk, barely paying any attention to what he was saying. 'This is just what I needed... Yep.' You crossed your arms and leaned back into the wooden "Discipline Chair", rolling your eyes. "I'm going to let this slide for today, Miss (Y/N). But only because you're new to this school, and we want you to have a pleasant learning experience while here. But you had better straighten up, and I expect that you won't let this happen again, correct?"Are You Listening?Shut up, fatass!You are!LiteratureEdd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 2Edd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 2 Originally by: scv25~~~and Continued by: LoveMySockhead12 (Y/N) = Your Name (H/C) = Hair Color (E/C) = Eye Color (A/N) = Author's Note You know the drill ------------------ "Here we are! Rolf's place." Your sister led you off into the alley. "You'll like him, he's... Interesting!" She offered you a sheepish smile, jumping up and grabbing the top of the fence, pulling herself up. You attempted to do the same, but none too gracefully. 'Stupid skinny arms! Whose idea was that?' "Yo, Rolf!" The blue-haired boy looked up from his busy work at the sound of his name. You wondered if that hair color could be naLiteratureEdd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 3Edd (Double D) x Reader Chapter 3 Originally by: scv25~~~and Continued by: LoveMySockhead12 ------------------ "Hey, Jonny!" Nazz greeted the boy across the street. He wasn't too special... and he didn't have any hair... "Hiya, Nazz!" The boy you presumed was Jonny perked up. He was holding a piece of wood with a face drawn on it. "Lookit, Plank!" He held it up as you made your way to him. "It's a new girl! Say hi, buddy!" "..." Well this was new. "Jonny," Your sister brushed it off as if it were normal behavior. "This is my sister, her name is (Y/N). She's moving in to the Cul-de-sac~" She repeated the same introduction you've heard se