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Headcrab Warfare 3: Chapter 7

The plan the shiny AW Headcrab decided to go with was that it would stealthily take out the Headcrab Zombies with a Sniper Rifle, then take out any Headcrab Zombies inside the power plant from behind. The AW Headcrab forces have approved the idea which means the shiny AW Headcrab got the green lights to head into the power plant. First the shiny AW Headcrab took out all of the Headcrab Zombies with a Sniper Rifle, then shiny AW Headcrab went to the entrance and saw lots of Headcrab Zombies and a Gonome, so in order to take them out, the shiny AW Headcrab, threw a flashbang to blind the Headcrab Zombies and the Gonome, and took the opportunity to swiftly take out the Headcrab Zombies, which leaves only the Gonome left. When the Gonome regained its sighting, it lunges towards the Testament H.E.M., but the Testament H.E.M. managed to grab the Gonome, and pulled and tore the Gonome in half. After burning the Headcrab Zombie corpses, the shiny AW Headcrab calls the rest of its force over to help it out with getting the power plant working. How will they do so? To be continued...


Headcrab Warfare 3: Chapter 14

Days later of searching and finding, they found a Combine ship but it was damaged beyond repair, on the right of Testament-592, so they went to the broken ship to see how the drop pods are launched from here. They saw some footage of Magna Striders using the controls to release the same drop pods onto Testament-592. This caused the AW Headcrabs to believe the Magna Striders also had increased intelligence than the regular Striders. The AW Headcrabs got a radio signal from one of their AW Headcrab brethren that they saw more drop pods coming down, lots of them, it added they tried to shoot down the pods, but to no avail. The AW Headcrab forces on the Combine ship told the AW Headcrabs on Testament-592 to hold their ground while they get back from the ship. That wasn't going to be easy as they had to deal with several Hunters first since they heard some. During this fight, one of the Hunters unintentionally shot the AW Headcrabs' ship engine. After Hunters were taken care of, they now have to deal with fixing a broken engine, therefore delaying their time to help the AW Headcrabs on Testament-592. The AW Headcrabs have to act quickly before things get ugly. To be continued...


Headcrab Warfare 3: Chapter 15

Meanwhile, in the surface of Testament-592, a war between the AW Headcrabs and the Magna Striders. A battle between small creatures against large creatures. Pulse shots fired everywhere, due to the overwhelming numbers of the Magna Striders, many AW Headcrabs were injured, forcing them to retreat. When the Magna Striders were pursuing the retreating AW Headcrabs, four of the Magna Striders were shot down by energy beams from above, when the Magna Striders looked up, the Testament H.E.M. flew towards them like an asteroid, puncturing through them one by one. When the Magna Striders tried to fire their weapons, the Testament H.E.M. just ripped the weapons off and just fired them to their face, the remaining Magna Striders retreated to somewhere. The Testament H.E.M. landed right next to the AW Headcrabs that had fought the Magna Striders earlier alongside the ship. The ship's crew apologized for their tardiness due to them having to deal with Hunters on top of fixing a damaged engine. The ship's crew also told the AW Headcrabs that some of the Magna Striders retreated, so they could be anywhere, lurking. If they need something effective at tracking them down, what will it be? To be continued...


Headcrab Warfare 3: Chapter 3

Picking up a Shotgun, the shiny AW Headcrab went to the elevator, and what was making those familiar sounds are Headcrab Zombies, the counterparts that the AW Headcrabs fought in the past. With no hesitation, the shiny AW Headcrab fired shotgun rounds, taking out the Headcrab Zombies with little effort. The shiny AW Headcrab looked outside to see if there were any more and thankfully there weren't any more Headcrab Zombies there. It proceeded to call its AW Headcrab brethren via radio to report what happened on the skyscraper, the AW Headcrabs responded saying that they were having a similar situation as there were Headcrab Zombies in the areas they were investigating too, such as factories, warehouses, and military bases. The shiny AW Headcrab asked if there are any AW Headcrabs available to help it gather the resources it found, the AW Headcrabs responded they will send some right now. As soon as the available AW Headcrabs arrived, they assisted the shiny AW Headcrab getting everything that was found in the skyscraper back into the ship. Back at the ship, the AW Headcrabs took good looks at the materials, and are proven valuable for their current situation. A radio signal was detected, what could the signal be? To be continued...