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I hope Amy is in Sonic frontiers

The reason I want Amy Rose in Sonic Frontiers, because I really want Amy have a big role, because ever since 2010s the writing has been meh , like they do nothing with all of them have one character trait such as crowd Tails dumb or hard head knuckles edge lord or Vegeta 2.0 Shadow happy go lucky sonic cocky joke Eggman eta eta , is been really bad for them , everyone is a background which not good if your awesome characters are backgrounds and Sonic our main guy is annoying as heck how in the word you made the MC the most annoying in his own game's ? , so now hearing Ian is now writing for the game hopefully our favorite characters break away from the curse , if Amy Tails and knuckles are in this game , they all better have big roles. some of y'all want characters like Tangle Whisper and Belle in there am pretty sure no one see these new characters get wasted like our main one's , so QUIT ASKING ! until the writing gets good again then I won't mind problems new characters showing up. I hope Amy is in this game I be so happy if she is . please let her have developedment .


New Sonic characters are wasted.

Look at you sonic fan's asking for sonic characters like Tangle and Whisper or the freedom fighters , and look at me asking for Sonia and Manic to be in it too , shame on me then mm mm mm , so do y'all remember what happened to Infinte a.k.a. Zero in sonic force's? guess what that fool got wasted and else got wasted before him? , our main cast also got wasted Sonic ,Tails, Knuckles ,Amy eta eta they all got wasted , what am trying to say is that new Sonic characters don't mean crap if the writing is bad , old Babycake65 like me is about give you some wisdom, see I don't mind new Sonic characters here or there but the thing is thses characters don't mean anything , yep I say it because the writing gone bad every time we get new characters , they get wasted along with the old cast , and yet some of y'all want Trangle and Whisper in there? , okay fine let them get wasted then , if y'all think about it , it's waste of time putting new characters in these game's if the story sucks , as much I like new characters as the next person they don't mean crap , hopfuly Ian Flynn cook something new and fresh with Sonic frontiers , if Amy got a big role and her character is good that means is a good sign that our favorite characters will get characterization , I don't want new character taking that away from her or every else I want the old cast get it frist then the new one's , then maybe I won't mind new characters coming into the games and not get wasted. And for goodness sake let be playable again.


Scourge meets Rosy ( one shot)

At the Anti Mobile Orphanage 10 year old Scourge the hedgehog takes a walks in the rain with his umbler, why he's taking a walk in the middle of a rain ?, well he's broad over there, is nothing to do over there really the Orphanage is really poor with less toys and clothing and bad quality food , there's no much going on , he doesn't hang out with the other kid's because to him they're worthless and useless little brats that he has no interest hanging out the only one's he likes hanging out is Miles and O'Nux everbody else is lame . As Scourge walks couple of blocks from the orphanage he stops sees a box , he has no idea why he's so interesting in a box I guess it just a excuse to find something entertaining since life at the orphanage is really boring , so he decided to check it out Scourge: mmm I wonder what's inside the box ? ( as he looks inside there's he sees a little female pink hedgehog shiving from head to toe shaoking in her green and yellow outfit ) Scourge: * a homeless little girl huh this should be interesting I guess I should have fun messing with her* Scourge: hey kid what you doing here ? (The little girl slowy and weakly look up to the voice calling to her) little girl : h-huh w-who a-are y-you? ( the poor little girl is too cold and weak too speak ) Scourge: the name's Scrourge the hedgehog what's your name kid ? Little girl: i-ts R-Rosy Rosy the r-rascle Scourge: Rosy huh ? listen kid what doing here what happen to your parents? Rosy: I-I don't remember what happens to my p-p-p parents I always been alone ever since Scourge: * so she don't know where her parents is I guess she like me a Orphan huh ?* you know if you stay in this rain your gonna die a horrible death it seems you don't value your life a tragic death indeed haha Rosy: ( whisper) I guess  that's true ( as Scourge keeps teasing her something caught his attention theres another box behind her while he decided look under the box it was something unnerving it was a dead squirle looks like it was half eaten , what in word happen did that little girl did this ? If so how she eaten that squirle without getting sick ?Scrouge take another look at the small box it was a stick and small food and string around the box with those things looks like a set up trap for the squirle  once again did she do this ? Scrourge is not sure so he ask her) Scrouge: yo kid! ( Rosy slowly turns to Scrourge voice behind her) Rosy: y-yes ? Scrouge: did you do this ? ( he point at the at small box set up) Rosy: ( nods) Scrouge:😳* huh so she did set a trap for that squirle and ate it but how she eat it without getting sick* hey how did you eat without getting sick ? ( as he say that Rosy went back to her box to get something , Rosy comes out to lead Scrourge something , what she gives him was a lighter did shr  use this to cook the squirrel ?) Scrouge: * she had a lighter cook up that squirle so she has survive skills after all I gotta admit am really impress she should be  a good use too me* ( smirk) Scrouge: so kid I decided you should come with me I like your  trying to survive like the rest of us Rosy: y-you w-want c-come with y-you r-really ? Scrouge: yes theres a orphanage not too far away from here we don't have much but least you will warmth and food over there ( held out his hand ) Rosy: oh t-thank y-you ( grab his hand and gives him a warm smile) Scrouge: now shall getting going then? Rosy: ( nods to agree) Scrouge : alright then let's go ( as they walk back to the orphanage hand in hand under the umbrella Scrouge finally ask Rosy something) Scrouge: so Rosy I need ask you something ? Rosy: what is it Scrouge? Scrouge : will you always be on my side no matter what happens ? ( Rosy didn't understand what Scrouge was asking but she agree anyway because she was that greatful that he saves her ) Rosy:  sure whatever you want am just greatful that you save me Scrouge: then is a promise? Rosy: is a promise Scrouge: good then lets get going then Rosy: ( giggles) Scrouge and Rosy continue walking back to the orphanage  know that they will have a long long realtionship that's how Scrouge met Rosy. The End


SonAmy fans vs Non SonAmy fans wars needs to stop

If SonAmy is canon or not am just glad Sonic and Amy are finally growing their realtionship , yet the toxicity between Sonamy fan's vs Non Sonamy fan's still keeps going and it's getting old and I want it to end ,if y'all like SonAmy that's fine just don't bug the NonSonAmy fan's , if y'all don't like SonAmy that's fine just don't bother the SonAmy fan's , that's it that's all y'all need to do is not bug each other and just let others have their opinions and move on why that's so hard to do ? I don't understand why this is a thing , why has to be a fricking mission to stop people having fun with their favorites ships, just say you either agree or disagree and move on, am so sick seeing it is canon or they're just friend's comments over and over again , in matter of fact just don't say nothing to each other , just have y'all opinions and move on , don't talk to them don't argue with them just start crap with them , or least y'all love the toxicity , this is for both side's just leave each other alone , no more , end the gosh dang war. besides should Sonic and Amys relationship should a good example ? why is that of two characters are getting along but not y'all ? If they're were real they be embarrassed of y'all acting like this and it's sad, whomever view their realtionship as love or friendship it doesn't matter as long their realtionship grows . can we please stop the wars!