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About The Libraries

The libraries are collections of books. There are private and public libraries. Public libraries make books accessible to everybody. When we think of libraries, we may be struck by a question. Where does the name library come from? What does this word have to do with books? Since we do not use the term bookstore, which is used for book stores, why not say book library? Here is the explanation: In ancient times - more than 3,000 years ago - there was a people who had an extraordinary commercial genius. They were the Phoenicians, who lived in cities situated on promontories or islets on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. One of these cities was called Byblos, and among the main products of their trade was papyrus, a plant whose leaves were prepared for writing. Over time, people from different countries, and especially the Greeks, began to call books byblos, and this name became forever incorporated into many words referring to books. Among these words we can count the