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LiteratureThe Heresy of Light vs. LightIf you were to ask me my name, I couldn’t give it to you with any certainty. Whatever my name once was, I call myself Dredgen Kronos now. Gosh, how long has it been? Several centuries, I think. Time seems so fluent these days. There was a time when I was quite the fundamentalist when it came to the doctrine of the Light. I served the Light unwaveringly, never questioning my servitude I felt obligated to give it. My Ghost, Vera, resurrected me—made me a Guardian. Like every Guardian, then, I felt indebted to the Traveler and its Light. Until I met Dredgen Hope. He opened my eyes to the heresy of the Crucible—of Light vs. LLiteratureA Guardian RisesI never thought darkness could fade until I felt it fade within me. Since antiquity, we thought only light could fade. Light fades because it dies out until all that is left is darkness. But we’ve never talked of darkness fading. Yet it does fade. When you light a room, you could say darkness fades, but semantics has never worked like that. Not surprising, considering darkness is the natural state of things. The isness of darkness has always been. Darkness always is until you create light—a lamp, a candle, a flashlight, a lantern. And every beam of light has a source, and that source needs to be operated by an operator. Without anLiteratureCayde-6: In MemoriamYou laugh and you joke, hiding behind pain. Your jokes would provoke, — most recoiled in disdain. My fellow, brave Hunter, for me this wasn't the case. Thus, do not worry, my brother; I'll take good care of Ace.LiteratureSticks and Stones“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This is a lie we teach our children; depression is proof of its failed wisdom. Mental scars remain much longer than what sticks and stones may bring. It fails to inspire bravery and instead encourages ignorance.LiteratureI Am DredgenAfter much hard work, I’ve finally acquired the Dredgen title. It wasn’t exactly on purpose. I wasn’t seeking it out. It just sort of happened. From what I understand, Dredgens don’t exactly have a good reputation. Dredgen Yor killed Guardians with Thorn, snuffing out their Light that even their Ghost couldn’t revive them. The Drifter had pride in his eyes as he gave me the Dredgen title, saying I need to carefully pick my Dredgen name. I blinked, boggled at the idea of having a name. Ghost resurrected me five years ago. I woke up with no memory of who I was. No memory of yesterday. For these five, long years ILiteratureAbstinenceYes, I practice abstinence, and I say so proudly. Excuse me? You say it's pathetic? Pardon me for living by my morals. This practice is religious, and you can't respect that when you demand respect? Morally deprived people are usually promiscuous. Sixty years ago sex used to be RISKY because of the possibility of pregnancy. And now sex is deadly, — STDs, AIDS, gonorrhea, you name it. This isn't why I'm abstinent, but I'm not vulnerable to those things. Sex is for you and your spouse. That's whom I'm saving it for.LiteratureMy Proverbial MotherA biblical proverb describes the godly wife as diligent, strong, and imbues dignity. Such are also the characteristics of motherhood, each one belonging to you. In your raising me, there was no sloth, — the diligence of your care and compassion are deeply interwoven in your personhood. My diligent mother is constant in her care. There is no weakness within you, for there is no affliction you have not overcome. In me you have given your strength. My strong mother always perseveres. You do not thrive in dishonour, as is the habit of some mothers. Dignity never stops being a mother. My honourable mother is a treasure.LiteratureHe is RisenFrom the dead Christ has risen, His death for you His decision. Our hands we raise and to Him we sing praise: Our sins You have forgiven.