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Written Character Portrait: Blackstar

Name: Blackstar Being Type: Darkato (or so it seems?) Gender: Male Age: Appears to be 16 years old. Realm of Residence: Ice Realm Appearance Notes: - To start with, think of his body as being humanoid. Details will be added as needed. - Hair is black and chin-length; a fringe of hair usually covers his one eye. - Skin is white; on his face and parts of his body are black markings like a tiger. - One eye is deep blue. Think of this one as being 'normal' like a human's eye. The other eye, the one that is usually covered by the fringe of hair, is completely white with a black five-pointed star in it. (A smaller white five-pointed star may be in


Inside a Magic Bag You Left Behind...

I am going to pretend Once again That you died. But this time Is different; I'm going to treat this Like we were in the great universe Of Ace Attorney For a spell And down in a well For a cheesy sort of Rhyme, I found a bag You had left behind Like a victim's final clue Written in blood To point us investigators Towards the Truth Behind the "murder". Yes indeed, I love many of the games Of Ace Attorney; But sometimes They get REALLY CREEPY And are not wise to play After dark Because there is a reason I stay away As a rule From the Horror Genre. So down there in the well, Nobody else but me Had bothered to check For anything Down there; What even possessed me To do that? Your spirit, I think. So down there in the well Beneath Water, I made an unexpected Discovery: Ice. My favorite element. And carefully stored Inside a Cube, Like you had known Intuitively What was gonna happen Some time in the future And prepared yourself Accordingly Was a Very Magical


If I Can't Tell You The Truth, Then...

If I can't tell you the truth As I understood it To your face, Without you throwing Unwarranted Malice at me Then turning tail Like a coward And shutting the door up tight, Not giving me a chance To correct what I got wrong About you And correct you On what you got wrong about me, Then fine. Fine. I'll tell my Poetry the truth, Then. The paper is a lot better listener Than you, So I'll make do... ...Just fine. Hate me as you like; It's far easier To hate me And blame me For the problems For the dashed hopes For the failed, Albeit unrealistic Expectations you held Of me; For getting everything about you Royally wrong, And then make me the bad guy The villain The Antagonist In that thing of yours You call a Life Story, Than it is to admit You hate yourself so badly You cannot stand it And if you dare admit that To yourself Nevermind anybody else, Your world and sense of self Will come all crashing down In a hurricane of devastation And nobody will be there To