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Thar She Blows! (Pearl TF Story)

"Huh...this is it?..." Kara softly said to herself, admiring the bright pink box that was delivered to her. Inside contained a pink ballerina dress with shiny white boots. She had scratched at her head, a little confused on how this would work. She had ordered it from a company that makes costumes based off cartoon characters. The gimmick being when you wear them, you actually physically transform into the character! There has been a few results showcasing proof, but not enough due to how expensive it is. She wanted to try it out herself since she had always loved Pearl from Spongebob Squarepants. An odd choice for sure, since she's not really a popular pick. But it's what she wanted...and now it was right in front of her! She took it out of the box, gently feeling the soft fabric on her fingertips. She breathes in and out to herself. "Okay...this is gonna be ultra weird...but...I really wanna give it a shot! If it doesn't work...then maybe I could just cosplay as her?.." With that