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[UCP] - The Californian Climate

Just as important as the geography, food, and language that a civilization builds itself on is the climate in which it lives. Climate is the reason why Arkhangelsk lags behind Rostov-on-Don, or why the Chinese Federation is struggling in the face of a massive drought. Thus in our discussion and study of California's civilizations, we will discuss the way that the climate shaped California's civilizations. A Köppen climate map shows how most of California experiences a "Mediterranean" climate (Csa, Csb, Csc) with dry summers and wetter winters. California has, historically speaking, been described as a pleasant climate with neither excessively hot summer nor excessively cold winters. Seasonal variations are very clear in California, with the summers being warm and dry while winters are cool and wet. 90% of precipitation California experiences comes between the months of October and March, with the majority of this precipitation being stored as groundwater and as snowpack in the


Celtiaid Am Byth - Faith and Blood, Part XII

1 Gwawr Newydd 1131 / 1 June 1641 Donostia, Navarre, Crown of Aragon The homeland of the Basque, what they themselves called “Euskal Herria”, had sat along the frontier between Iberia and France since time immemorial. They were no stranger to conflict, no stranger to foreign armies marching through their lands. They were not, however, familiar with the Celtic Imperial Legions, marching in units as they moved to engage the Spanish. Most of them paid no attention, a few looked up at the soldiers holding aloft the pagan symbol they’d been told about, looking at the “wild” men and women with their braided hair and faces painted with woad, but for the most part they ignored the latest crop of foreigners marching through their country. As far as Cwffira was concerned, that was fine by her. She has bigger issues to focus on. There was a map in her head that she was focusing on, placing the armies in one place or another and imagining one strategy after another. Feinting to the south


Celtiaid Am Byth - Snow, Part VI

27 Golau Olaf 1091 / 1 January 1601 Llundain, Province of Llundain For Europe it was the start of the new year. For the Celts it was the start of a new age, yet as far as Corddys was concerned it might as well have been the blackest day of his life. He just sat there, head in his hands, letting the magnitude of it all wash over him. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This ruined every hope he had for advancement. His entire plan for his future had been upended with the stroke of a pen. Cymru had made peace with France. Now, at first he’d been elated. The news was met with mixed feelings in the Empire, some confused as to signing an actual peace treaty with France, some glad that the last 400 years of war were finally over, others angry that the endless war hadn’t kept going endlessly. Him, though...it had sunk in quickly that he was suddenly stuck. No more battles. No more war. No more opportunity to progress. Nine years he’d been enlisted as a soldier now, promoted to the rank of