Zhor Badke by Talexior on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Zhor Badke, a faun born in Waterdeep, comes from a long lineage of city faun. His father, Rhiv Badke, was a reknown assassin throughout the continent. Zhor's life changed when his father was captured and executed, forcing Zhor and his brother Montis to run away to Havenheart and be taken in by a priest.

Zhor became a man of God, a follower of Ilmater, although he broke that oath each night, when he participated in fights to be able to make money. Now on a path of redemption, Zhor intends to become a better man than his father was, as well as a devout follower and champion of Ilmater."

A portrait of one of my fellow party members, Zhor Badke! It's always incredible to see other players' backstories unfold, and Zhor's story has been no exception. I'm excited to see what happens throughout the campaign!

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