Beedrill by tamaume on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
tamaume on DeviantArt
Deviation Actions
Published: Oct 20, 2014
Image size
600x620px 108.29 KB
Hello! I stumbled upon your art recently and have fallen in love with what I see! I'm part of a small community that makes custom Pokémon cards and was wondering if we could use your art on some of those cards? Our policy is to never sell custom cards or use anyone’s art without their permission, the original artist is always credited on the card itself, and we always link back to the original art page wherever we share it, if we can. Many of the cards we make also get added a custom card game simulator we built just for the hobby. You can learn more about that here, and you can ask us anything you like over on our Discord server. Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear your response soon. Have a great day! ~ Dorian1905