Little Luka by TamberElla on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TamberElla's avatar

Published: Dec 11, 2016


My dear cat Luka, whom I've had for 8 years, had a heart attack yesterday. The vets treated him-- determined its heart disease-- and he's back at home being comforted and loved. With medication he may live for a few more months... it really comes down to his quality of life. Unfortunately the outlook is not bright. It's very heartbreaking for me. He's still so young, about 8 years, and he's been fit and active his whole life... it seems so tragic. It may be hereditary, he's from a shelter so I have no idea of the health of his parents. I can't bear the thought of losing him so soon. More art of him through the years:

Luka by TamberEllaLuka by TamberEllaShinji and Luka by TamberElla

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720x936px 530.95 KB