Sword Stained Blood by tazer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Angst filled Tazer + bloodred sky + morning fog + sword and hands stained with the blood of his enemys = OK in my book! :D

This is Tazer early in the story. His hometown is obliterated by the main bad-guy-man-evil-duer's troops. Tazer persues them, and it takes him several days to catch up. In that time, he has taken on a un-wanted comrade, Cyrus (not seen in this pic) who is with him upon the time he finally catches up with them. Cyrus just stares in awe as Tazer rips through them with his sword, and they fall one by one. At the end of it all he stabs his sword into the ground, and sits down on a small rock formation and curses to himself, because thier leader was not among the ones he had slain.

Then blah blah blah, on goes the story, he finds a meaning to life rather than revenge, yatta yatta, more companions, falls in love, bleh bleh you get the picture. Maybe someday Ill put some of the story up for all of your reading pleasure. >.>

Tazer (C) myself