Golden dragon by TellerySpyro on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TellerySpyro on DeviantArt

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TellerySpyro's avatar

Published: Aug 16, 2016


Finally, my hands have grown to Tellery! I remember the last time he updates ... Ah, I do not want to remember. It's been so long ...
The paradox, but I'm draw my direct protégé very rarely.Of course - then it could not last, and I decided to play around with the design. In the end - it is almost entirely changed, but at the same time preserving his main features. Yes, he looked younger (but at the same time became more manly), become more fit and collapsible. He stopped to give much to the orange (at least on my monitor), and he's more like gold.
In principle - and so it should be!

Image size

1660x1552px 1.05 MB

Tunahai's avatar

This looks great! You did great work with the light and shadows! Espeacially the scales look awesome