Hijack- upset by temari-fox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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temari-fox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/temari-fox/art/Hijack-upset-362983861temari-fox

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temari-fox's avatar

Published: Apr 1, 2013


Hicup: he sometimes… aaarrgg!!! drive me crazy!!!! TT^TT I really don’t know what to do when he get angry or upset, just for a tiny little thing, like being talking with Astrid or someone else…

hahaha I think I know how you feel Hiccup.. don't worry everythign will be alright! :D

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1504x1156px 1.68 MB

Darkshadowtears's avatar

Poor Hiccup...having to deal with the trials of Love