TempestVortex - Student, Traditional Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Pride Over Pain (Commission for Rainstar-123)

Clomp, clomp, clomp… Heavy footsteps echoed through the castle hallway as its lord slowly sauntered through from the outdoor courtyard's entrance. His full figure was covered in shadow from the light shining behind, making it hard to see his light armor's particular details. His breath faintly mixed in with each step he took, giving the impression of fatigue. However, that was only half of it, as the man eventually walked into the main stretch. Illuminated by the torches in front of him, Cadeyrn of Morgana's face showed clenched teeth and a worked up sweat. His right hand grasped his left side, not too far from his heart as he muttered a string of curses. As he turned to the left, continuing down its expanse, he could eventually make out the familiar form of an individual not too far from his position. "Evelyn!" he called out in a frustrated tone, making the assumption this was indeed the head servant who happened to be his age, yet each four months apart. Starting to make out her