Tyr of Silverthorne by Templado on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

All info will add tomorrow...

For 6th

Fawnling December Imports: 2 Week Open Art by fuangel29

11 (Late Summer)
Bloodline: Pure Silverthorne
Height: 13 HH


Speed: 3 (capped. 7)
Stamina: 2
Strength: 4
Experience: 3
(+ 1 str, STARTER: +1 Sp, +2 Exp)

Magic Stats:
Magic: Fire
Level: Medium (11)
Herblore: Basic (0)
(+11 (level boost) STARTER)


4 full siblings (Older)

Best friends:



Voice Actor:
youtu.be/DehbC0ORYTQ”> Timothy Dalton


Younger: Reserved, inverted - the rules of the herd was drilled into him from the moment he could stand and talk, his sire and dam took special pride in him and he wanted to live up to their expectations. He used to quote the rules to anyone and everyone even if they told him they weren't listening when they were up to no good.

When he got into the Five he lived a somewhat second life - it took a lot of time and effort on his friends part to unlock the hidden prankster within the golden stag. He played his utmost best to keep his antics a secret from his sire and dam. He could laugh and joke with them all but he never lost his head, well he tried, but on occasions he did lose himself in the moment and not think about the risks and what would happen.

Older: After that day, the inner laughter was buried deeper, he became over serious, following rules diligently - blindly some would say. He would follow the rules to the fault of his kinsmen paying the price.

History: Born the last fawn of his Sire's harem and his Dam's fifth fawn - his Mother called him her Shining Son.

His early life was uneventful, he was raised to follow the rules, they were drilled into him, and he would follow them to the letter even if it was against his instinct. He stuck close to his dam, only interacting with his half-siblings from his father’s harem does. He started to venture out when he was weaned, having been ostracized from his half-siblings for ‘not playing right’. He wasn’t much of a youngster - overserious and only laughing when he couldn’t keep it in. Thats how he met the Five, as they called themselves later. He met Lokli - he laughed at his antics and the rest was history.

He used to leave his Dam at dawn and return at sunset to bed down with his family - His Father was pleased he had found a friend, seeing his son act like an actual fawn for once but his Mother began to worry at his disappearing acts - Tyr became evasive, fleeing into the bush and disappearing from sight whenever she would follow him. And all the while Lokli and Tyr romped around the territory causing mischief wherever and whenever they could.

As they grew, 3 more stags joined their merry band of mayhem. But Tyr always remained the voice of reason, quoting the laws and rules but much of it went unheeded when they played their pranks, causing some chaos with their light-hearted fun. Now some stags and does loathed their jokes, pranks and silliness especially when it didn’t tone down as they grew into yearlings, some called them upstarts, no-good fawnlings, a disgrace and idiots. But these Stag yearlings weren’t idiots, with more skull than brain, or brawn than brain - they were intelligent, and exceptional in their studies when they applied themselves to it. They made a pact, that one day they would all be Generals and defend their herd against their enemies.

youtu.be/H81Y2_fpy88”> Unknown Solider - Breaking Benjamin