StarClan Battles-WindClan Size Chart by TennelleFlowers on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here they are!
Go watch the Drawing a Blank where I talk about each of these characters or alternatively, I'll leave the script for the episode below so you can read it at your own leisure. :D…

Leading WindClan, we have the proud Hazelstar. As a Warrior Hazelstar was always mocked for his small size but this teasing turned Hazelstar into a formidable warrior, and one who eventually gained the respect of other clan cats. As a leader, Hazelstar is unbending and doesn’t take insults lightly, but underneath that harsh, rigid exterior is a cat who loves his clan and clanmates deeply, and would do anything to help kits in need. Hazelstar is notorious for allowing stray kits into WindClan and giving them a home. Fernface, Volefur, and Nightpool were all kits found abandoned near WindClan territory and Hazelstar accepted them into the clan without a second thought.

WindClan’s Deputy, Forestleaf, on the other hand, is a real piece of work. Cunning, manipulative, and snarky, Forestleaf is not a cat you should ever cross. Many believe that Forestleaf become mates with Hazelstar just to gain more power, and judging from how the two interact with each other, it doesn’t seem like a stretch. While Forestleaf might be an unpleasant cat to be around though, she is a good deputy, and Hazelstar and Forestleaf together as a united force is something not many other Clans would want to push around lightly.

Things aren’t all toxic in the leadership roles however, Mistysnow is WindClan’s Medicine Cat, and is respected throughout the clans for her compassion, quick wit, and honesty. Mistysnow would never turn a blind eye to those in need of her help, but Mistysnow’s skills go beyond healing, and many cats inside WindClan go to Mistysnow for her wisdom. It is often said that WindClan cats are the closest to StarClan because they sleep under silverpelt without the cover of the trees, and Mistysnow is a shining example that might prove that old myth correct. Mistysnow is closest to Mudnose and Spottedshadow, one an old childhood friend, and the other Mistysnow wanted to make her apprentice before deciding against it.

Mudnose is WindClan’s oldest Senior Warrior. Back in his younger days, Mudnose was a flirtatious troublemaker, but in his old age he has mellowed out taken his role as a senior warrior seriously. Mudnose has mentored many cats in WindClan, and many consider Mudnose a secondary father figure, or a primary considering Mudnose has 2 litters of kits with his mate Meadowleap. Mudnose might be starting to show his age, but he has a lot to still give his clan.

Fleetfoot is Mistysnow’s scatterbrained littermate. A senior warrior with a big smile and enough energy to still outpace some of the younger cats. Fleetfoot never has too much to say, but he’s happy to be included. Fleetfoot has been caught encouraging the apprentices to sneakily bend the rules a little for a bit of fun, much to Forestleaf’s irritation, so he hasn’t been given an apprentice of his own since Volefur. Considering what a goof Fleetfoot is, his mate and son don’t seem to have his sense of humor. Graymist and Stonepaw take things pretty seriously, but find Fleetfoot’s antics amusing rather than annoying.

Graymist is a cool-headed warrior and also rather quiet, Graymist only seems to speak when she has something important to say, or a snappy remark. Graymist is looking forward to serving the clan as an elder soon, but wants to wait until her son Stonepaw has become a Warrior.

Shadowclaw is a small, vicious warrior. Easily provoked into fights by other clan cats, Forestleaf quickly learned to keep Shadowclaw mostly regulated to hunting duties rather than border patrolling.

Amazingly enough, Shadowclaw’s son, Jaggedstripe, couldn’t be more opposite from his father. Jaggedstripe is a sweet, naive Warrior who likes to believe the best in everyone. He’s neither a great hunter or fighter, but he is a good friend. Jaggedstripe has been one of Goldenpelt’s closest friends since kithood and he admires the Warrior very much. Jaggedstripe is mates with Fernface, another one of Goldenpelt’s closest friends, and while Jaggedstripe might be in love, it’s hard to tell if Fernface really feels the same.

Volefur is quiet, calculating, and very judgmental, but mostly quiet. You might not know exactly what Volefur is thinking about you, but you can guess that it’s never good. Volefur often hangs around his sister, Fernface, or Goldenpelt and let’s them do the talking. Volefur is mates with Goldenpelt’s sister, Ambereyes, and has already had 2 litters of kits, Timberleg and Lilyfire, and Peachpaw are all Volefur’s kits, but he’s not exactly an active father. Volefur is happy just letting the clan raise his children, after all, that’s how he and Fernface were raised when they were brought into WindClan.

Fernface is Goldenpelt’s loyalist supporter, willing to do any dirty work Goldenpelt isn’t, sometimes with or without his knowing. Fernface might love Goldenpelt, but she is increasingly frustrated with his infatuation with Spottedshadow. She can see that Spottedshadow is going to hold Goldenpelt back from being his best, and has tried multiple times to get Goldenpelt to change his mind about his old childhood friend, even lying to Goldenpelt about exactly what went on at Gatherings when Goldenpelt asked Fernface to spy on Spottedshadow and her friends. Fernface is mates with Jaggedstripe because of Goldenpelt’s influence, Goldenpelt told her Jaggedstripe would make a good father to her kits. He was right, of course, Jaggedstripe loves Dawnkit and Darkkit dearly and spends more time in the nursery then she does, which leaves Fernface more time to continue her Warrior duties and follow Goldenpelt.

Ambereyes is Goldenpelt’s sister, Volefur’s mate, and you’d think she’d be in her brothers inner circle of friends, but no, Ambereyes avoids the drama of her brother’s little posse, and Spottedshadow too, for that matter. Whatever is going on, Ambereyes wants no part of it. Ambereyes just wants to wants to be a good WindClan Warrior and watch her kits grow into good WindClan warriors as well. She couldn’t be prouder of her first litter, Timberleg and Lilyfire are already well respected warriors and Ambereyes knows she can trust Spottedshadow to nurture Peachpaw into a good warrior too.

Goldenpelt is WindClan’s prized Warrior. It only seems natural that Goldenpelt will one day lead WindClan, with Hazelstar and Forestleaf getting up there in age and already giving the golden Tom many responsibilities. While Goldenpelt is looked up to by many Warriors, there’s not many cats Goldenpelt feels like are on his same level, but he appreciates their trust in him all the same. He hopes to live up to their expectations of him.

Spottedshadow is an oddity in WindClan. Fiercely loyal, compassionate, good with apprentices, and a generally good warrior, but at the same time, almost always in trouble within WindClan. Spottedshadow endures a lot of gossip circling around about her, and her introverted nature doesn’t help, nor the fact that many clan cats still find her usual pelt pattern as a strange warning sign from StarClan that something is not right about the spotted she-cat.

Timberleg is an outgoing and friendly WindClan Warrior. Goldenpelt’s first apprentice and one of the only cats who’s close to both Spottedshadow and Goldenpelt. He wishes that they would overcome their differences, since Timberleg respects both warriors deeply and knows they could do a lot more good for the clan together rather than apart. Timberleg is a fairly young warrior, but he’s training his first apprentice: Stonepaw.

Lilyfire is Timberleg’s littermate. Likes to keep to herself but opinionated if you get her talking. Lilyfire is a critical thinker at heart and likes when things stay organized, she doesn’t let her preference for order turn her sour though, Lilyfire is pretty chill and cool-headed.

Clayfur is a young warrior still figuring out his place in WindClan. Clayfur is fairly obvious about clan politics and doesn’t pay much attention to the squabbles of the older warriors, instead Clayfur prefers to just focus of having a good time and enjoying his youth.

Thrushspots is Clayfur’s sister and doesn’t have the same mindset as her brother. Thrushspots prefers to spend time gossiping with the elders, queens, and senior warriors. She’s not too sure about what to do with that information, but Thrushspots is very perceptive and likes to keep track on how everyone in the clan feels about each other.

Now we finally get into the apprentices and first up is Stonepaw! Stonepaw is Timberleg’s dutiful apprentice. He takes things very seriously and is constantly trying to impress his mentor. Stonepaw has a good head on his shoulders though, and even though he’s still a fairly young apprentice, he’s quickly proving himself to be ready to become a warrior.

Peachpaw is Spottedshadow’s excitable apprentice. Only a few moons younger than Stonepaw, the two are very close friends and Peachpaw keeps things light and cheerful whenever she’s around. Although Peachpaw can be a bit clumsy and loud, Spottedshadow recognizes Peachpaw’s tenacity as something that will define her as a warrior. She might be small, fluffy, and friendly, but Peachpaw is no pushover.

In WindClan’s nursery, we have Meadowleap and her kits Horsekit and Tabbykit, who are almost old enough to become apprentices but not quite. Meadowleap is happy being a nursery queen and since her first litter has spent more and more time in the nursery, and even takes care of Darkkit and Dawnkit when Fernface and Jaggedstripe aren’t around.

Nightpool is a queen expecting her first litter of kits soon. When Hazelstar asked Nightpool who the kits father were, Nightpool admitted to her leader that their father was a tom named Catcher living at the Horseplace. Hazelstar respected Nightpool’s wish to keep the father a secret and only Hazelstar and Spottedshadow know the truth. Nightpool was Spottedshadow’s first apprentice and Spottedshadow is excited to greet these new kits into WindClan with their mother.

As previously mentioned, Darkkit and Dawnkit are Fernface and Jaggedstripe’s kits. They don’t really understand how different their upbringing is. They see Meadowleap and Jaggedstripe as their parental figures and Fernface is also there too. Darkkit does express missing Fernface more than Dawnkit does, and the young kit wants to spend more time with his illusive mother when he gets the chance.

In the elders den we have Missingfoot and Swift-tail. Missingfoot is Spottedshadow’s father and used to be a Warrior named Blackpelt. After a fox attack killed his mate, Whitebelly, and left him with many nasty scars, Missingfoot became an elder and had to give up training Goldenpelt, who was his apprentice at the time. He considers himself lucky to be alive, but he misses his mate dearly and wishes he could have continued his Warrior duties. Luckily Goldenpelt and Spottedshadow come to keep him company often and apprentices and kits enjoy listening to Missingfoot’s stories.

Missingfoot also enjoys Swift-tail’s company, who lost her mate as well, which is something they can comfort each other in. Swift-tail loves hearing about the gossip around her son, Goldenpelt and is very proud of him living up to his late father’s name. She is a cherished elder to the clan if not a bit prickly and cranky as elders tend to be sometimes.