Terryfan1986 - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


The Cucco Lady (Chicken to Woman TF)

Magic Powder was such a strange item as far as Link was concerned. It lit bushes on fire, turned certain enemies into fairies or slime, and had summoned a moronic demon that arguably made him more powerful. Though Link was perplexed by what the strange old witch had given him, he did appreciate it's usefullness in gathering fairies for if he got in a pinch, he had no luck testing it on people though. He had first sprinkled some on himself and found no luck doing so and had candidly done it to the residents of Kakariko Village, though they seemed to react with annoyance despite not knowing who sprinkled dust on them. Link so far had not tested it on animals, though he assumed that it wouldn't do anything if it did nothing to people at all. Through his thinking and meandering, Link found himself accessing a home in thd village, the front door was ajar and he found himself wandering in. Looking around, Link found a Cucco wandering around on the floor, perhaps it was the owner's? He didn't really care. Link then got an idea, he should use the magic powder on it, it couldn't hurt to see what it would do to the animal, Link grabbed the dust from his pouch and sprinkled it over the bird. Immediately a blinding flash of light engulfed the room as the sounds of frantic clucking were heard, uh oh! Link worried that he had killed the poor animal until he saw it's silhouette begin to stretch taller and taller. The cucco's round body began to stretch taller losing it's roundness and becoming slimmer as a result. "Bawk, bawk, bawk!" The chicken head on a now feathered human body cried as it started to cartoonishly shake around, not just the head, but the whole body lost all of its feathers revealing a plain dress underneath. As her head stopped spinning wildly and came to a stop, she now had the face of a beautiful woman who's eyes were darting around watching her body change further. "Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!" She said in her new human voice, clearly being able to speak, but not doing so either because the transformation wasn't finished or because she knew no words, she started flapping her wings rapidly as they begun to change. They lost their feathers and begin splitting into multiple digits as well as the rest of the wing turning into a human arm. Link starred flabbergasted as he watched the TF unfold. Her chest started to push forward into a pair of boobs that were quite large as her round stomach started to shrink and push inward becoming a tight core. Her legs started to bulk up from her scrawny chicken legs as her feet gained extra digits and began shrinking, her hips also started to push outwards. Her almost non-existant backside started to expand and grow into a curvy female bottom, Link blushed upon seeing this as her tail feathers retracted into her backside completing her transformation. "Cluck cluck... What?! You turned me into a human. I can even speak!" The new woman said as she felt human intelligence enhance her simple brain. "Aha, it must be you who is always teasing my friends!" She said sternly, accusing Link of terrozing cucco's around the village. Link felt a pang of guilt as he was not completely innocent in that regard, sometimes he would chase them for fun and pick them up for a laugh. "Well, this human shape is uncomfortable for me. Ahhh, I want to be a chicken again! Cluck cluck..." the woman said distressed, Link was about to use more powder when he heard a voice behind him, "oh not you again!" "What are you doing in my...." the owner had come back and was about to chew Link out for trespassing when he laid eyes on the woman standing there. "Well hello lovely, don't think I've seen you around before." The man said holding the new woman's hand. She blushed "well, I have been a chicken for as long as I can remember, but if you're ok with that..." the man then looked into her eyes, "I don't care who or what you've been, you're gorgeous!" A cartoonish *SPROING* was heard as the woman's tail feathers had popped out above her butt, "oh, do forgive me, I'm not used to being completely human yet." She blushed. The man chuckled, "I don't mind, it makes your butt look cuter!" The two then embraced lovingly. Meanwhile Link stood by and just stared at the bag of magic powder utterly confused.