The Final Torment by Th3DutchZombi3 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


✔️ OPEN. 💥 Only 1 owner. 💥 Original size: 3586x4800.

Background Story:

Sergei was an experienced astronaut on a mission to explore a distant planet, hoping to make groundbreaking discoveries that would benefit humanity. During his exploration, he stumbled upon a strange pod that was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The pod was unlike any other plant or creature on the planet and was emitting a strange energy.

Without hesitation, Sergei opened the pod to investigate and was suddenly attacked by a creature that latched onto his face, covering his mouth and nose. The creature was small and slimy, with long tendrils that burrowed deep into Sergei's skin.

Despite his best efforts to remove the creature, it had already attached itself to Sergei's head and was feeding off of his energy. The astronaut was quickly losing strength and soon fell unconscious.

When he awoke, Sergei found himself back on his spaceship, but something was different. He felt an intense hunger that he couldn't explain, and his body was changing rapidly. His vision had become more acute, and he could see even the tiniest details in the spaceship. His hearing was enhanced, and he could hear every sound in the spaceship, including the humming of the engines and the beeping of the instruments.

But it wasn't just his senses that had changed. Sergei noticed that his body was transforming, and he felt a strange presence inside him. He was terrified but couldn't do anything to stop it.

As the days went by, Sergei became more and more agitated, and his hunger grew even stronger. He started to feel as if his body was not his own, and he was losing control over his own mind. He would have strange, vivid dreams that felt more like memories, memories of a life that was not his own.

One day, Sergei woke up in intense pain, and he could feel the creature inside him moving. He let out a last bloodcurdling scream as the organism burst out of his body, revealing its grotesque form

The spaceship was never found, and the fate of Sergei remains unknown.