The-All-Blue - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)
LiteratureAdam Jensen x Reader: HumanI discovered that there’s a list of Deus Ex prompts for the month of February. I was too late to do them all, and too busy anyway. But the last one, which is simply human, triggered something in me. So here we are. It looks more like a stream of consciousness and is not so long, but whatever. I kinda like it. (and I’m a bit late, but still) Word count: 1141 Human. That’s what Adam is, and a bunch of augs can’t change that, and will never change that. He’s a strong man, but even the strongest can get affected by words and society sometimes. Walking around the city and knowing that the majority of those who lookAll
LiteratureAdam Jensen x Reader: HumanI discovered that there’s a list of Deus Ex prompts for the month of February. I was too late to do them all, and too busy anyway. But the last one, which is simply human, triggered something in me. So here we are. It looks more like a stream of consciousness and is not so long, but whatever. I kinda like it. (and I’m a bit late, but still) Word count: 1141 Human. That’s what Adam is, and a bunch of augs can’t change that, and will never change that. He’s a strong man, but even the strongest can get affected by words and society sometimes. Walking around the city and knowing that the majority of those who lookFeatured
LiteratureHer 18th birthdayMi sveglio prima del previsto, anche se vorrei poter dormire di più. Comincio a pensare di essere completamente pazza: cosa mi è saltato in mente quando ho pensato di organizzare personalmente il 18esimo di Giada? C'è solo una cosa più difficile da organizzare, nonostante il suo 18esimo sia sicuramente più semplice di tanti altri: un matrimonio. Quando dovrò organizzare il mio credo che ne uscirò pazza, ma questa è un'altra storia. Scendo in cucina, preparo ciò che mi serve per fare i pancake, che sono l'unica cosa che so cucinare senza bruciare casa, e accendo il cellulare, preparando davanti a meFanfictions.
LiteratureAdam Jensen x Reader: HumanI discovered that there’s a list of Deus Ex prompts for the month of February. I was too late to do them all, and too busy anyway. But the last one, which is simply human, triggered something in me. So here we are. It looks more like a stream of consciousness and is not so long, but whatever. I kinda like it. (and I’m a bit late, but still) Word count: 1141 Human. That’s what Adam is, and a bunch of augs can’t change that, and will never change that. He’s a strong man, but even the strongest can get affected by words and society sometimes. Walking around the city and knowing that the majority of those who lookCharacter x Reader
Adam Jensen x Reader: Human by The-All-Blue, literature
Jesse McCree x reader: Getting him back by The-All-Blue, literature
Jesse McCree x Reader: Don't die on me by The-All-Blue, literature
Jesse McCree x Reader: Confessing by The-All-Blue, literature
Adam Jensen x Reader: Valentine's treat by The-All-Blue, literature
Her 18th birthday by The-All-Blue, literature
Shaun x Reader: New Year's Eve by The-All-Blue, literature
Edward Kenway x Reader: Nightmares by The-All-Blue, literature