The-Golden-Tether | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Comments 32

I believe I may have added to the wrong folder!~ I am sorry if I did.

So I can't log into the TGT forum, and it says my username and/or email I used to sign with is not in the system. But I go under Amaai, and Marinkastel is one of my toons.
I wanted to ask a question about another character being played on TGT. But I cannot log into my account, I have registered an account though.

Sorry I am totally spamming up your folders. I realized I pretty much only draw stuff of characters from TGT and I never remember to submit them. ^^;

That's no problem! I went through and added quite a bit of your stuff previously!

Hmm purely out of interest, since I'm making some, would photos of sculpts of TGT characters go in the character art area?

Good good :D