The-Sea-Cat - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Poison, Part 1

“Sorry to bother you miss, but um…” Breezy turned to find a young student standing at her door, with a gold and red box tucked under one arm and a somewhat defeated look on his face; one that grew more despairing as her eyes fell upon the box. “He left another one.” “Ai-ya, not again!” Breezy groaned, rubbing her temples. She sighed and looked at the young monk. “Thank you Ming He, just… set it aside for now, I’ll deal with it later.” The young monk bowed politely and set the box aside as told, then took his leave. Breezy sighed again, choosing to ignore the box for now and instead get back to the embroidery in her lap. It was the third box in about a month, maybe a little more, and she had only just gotten rid of the last one’s contents. It was vexing, to say the least. “Did I hear our silly fox sigh?” A small ray of sunshine to her day, despite the ill tidings he’d previously received; Sun Wukong, in all his mischievous glory! Or at least, what she could see of it, with the way