[Daily Illustration] The Bait by TheAbyssGarden on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

|~' +' Today’s illustration portrays The Occultist and its quest towards reassembling its lost scales.

In this scene we will it attracting the curious beings living within the emptyness of the Garden, and maybe finding a way to use them for its advantage..

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' +'~[?[?[?] The 3 Pathways we drew to inspire this new illustration were :

🔮 The Overgrown Wheel 🌿

..from decay flourishes growth..

🔮 The Conversation 🌿

..entities learn from each other..

🔮 The Food Chain 🌿

..entities thrive on the decay of their environment..

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Consider commissioning a piece for a character based on your personality to appear in the Abyss Garden ~

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Immerse yourself in the magical realm of my partner Nicjz (\* -*/) where adorable fluffs come to life on skin and paper ~

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