Focus by TheBootesArtVoid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Nov 6, 2021
This photo was taken at the melbourne city zoo during a close encounter. These tigers have multiple enclosures that they can spend their time on not all of them are available to the general public. The enclosures that are available to the general public are relatively open as much as a city zoo can be for these animals. This particular shot was taken in one of the enclosures where the zoo keepers will sit on one side of the fence pictured here and provide treats to the tigers when training them (training for things such as opening the mouth for dental checks etc).
Though i was hesitant in posting this photo for some time I am fairly confident that the melbourne zoo does its utmost best to care for its animals. I would not post this photo if i had felt the zoo had been mistreating the animals under their care in any way.
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