[PT/SS MURDER AU] n0izette ref sheet by THECL0CKW0RKARTIST73 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

uhhh yeah here'z da murder au variant 0f n0izette cuz yeah l0l

and uhh here'z sum m0re factz b0ut er l0l:
she'z a pr0 at tech decking/finger skateb0arding n r0ller-skating [ref 2 da artw0rk 0n da wiki btw].

she haz bagz under her eyez due 2 lack 0f sleep since she'z buzy with stuff at timez, which iz why y0u usually zee her sleeping at her café z0metimez, n cuz she sm0kez.

d0zen't 0nly sm0ke cigarettez but she alz0 d0ez a full 0n b0ng.

she'z pretty much da reaz0n why brun0/fake peppin0 g0t int0 sm0king, and she alz0 had 2 st0p em fr0m drinking da b0ng water 0nce when she let em hit.

az sated in 0rangez ref sheet, n0izette alwayz haz em by her zide when g0ing 0ut z0 he cant w0nder 0ff int0 placez dat might get em killed n ztuff, but when he'z b0ut 2 w0nder 0ff when she'z n0t h0ldin 0nt0 em, zhe grabz em by da wrizt n keepz em in place [unlezz if there inzide cuz zhe w0nt d0 it if there inzide], since zhe w0rriez 2 much cuz zhe kn0wz what happened 2 em with peppin0 in hiz 0ther f0rm.

d0zent really hate peppin0/the t0rtured Italian dat much but n0ize iz pretty high up 0n her hate lizt.

her n pizzelle are 0n g00d termz, al0ng with "pizzab0y" aka ger0me l0l.

she 0nly talkz n mufflez/mumblez due 2 her m0uth being bandaged up z0 m0re 0r lezz she talkz like da fuckin pyr0 fr0m tf2, but she can talk n0rmally if she takez dem 0ff.

she repayz Mr. 0range with free c0ffee 4 helping er.

0nly murder0uz if she feelz like it n uhh btw her main weap0n iz a sledgehammer.

she g0t dat bandage 0n her leg after she accidentally hurt herself fr0m crashing int0 sumthing while r0llerskating at high speedz.

d0zent really mind any0ne in da friend gr0up she'z apart 0f, but brun0 th0 iz her all time fav0rite bezt friend.

d0zen't 0nly kn0w h0w 2 make sweetz but she can alz0 make any kind 0f pasteriez n ztuff l0l.

da reaz0n why she izn't dating n0ize anym0re iz becuz 0f da fact she f0und 0ut she waz lezbian, n cuz 0f da attack n cuz he dumped er 4 peppin0/the t0rtured italian.

the unwanted cust0merz 0f her café n gift sh0p r n0ize the t0rtured Italian/peppin0 n pepperman, but vig iz her number 1 c0stumer n her fav0rite 1.

cant eat/drink 0r put stuff 0n her face pr0rperly with0ut making da scarz 0n her face burn/hurt.

n i f0rg0t 2 menti0n diz but uhh she haz a girl pp l0l.