[PT/SS MURDER AU] pizzan0 ref sheet l0l by THECL0CKW0RKARTIST73 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

alr here'z da murder au dezign 4 da funni yah-hah man cuz uhh yeah l0l

n here'z sum uhhh m0re ztuff b0ut em l0l:
juzt like h0w it'z stated in da [0ld] l0re pizzan0 iz a deranged man wh0 embraced hiz inzanity n thinkz he'z ab0ve every0ne elze [including hiz 0wn twin br0ther kinda], but alth0ugh he haz n0 fear 2 thingz ar0und em, deep d0wn he'z very fragile 2 certain thingz w0rzt caze it'd be hiz trauma.

iz a retired assassin dat uzed 2 w0rk 4 pepperman n ztuff, but he ztill murderz pe0ple n sentient pizza/candy m0nsterz th0.

despite da fact he hatez what happened 2 hiz br0ther, he'z actually kinda jel0uze 0f 1 0f da experimentz he went thr0ugh da made em have abn0rmal featurez, due 2 da fact he thinkz peppin0 l00kz c00l azf n0w.

he likez 2 ann0y b0th peppin0 n pizzelle a l0t l0l, and well juzt like n0ize with peppin0 he flirtz with pizzelle juzt 4 fuck with em.

didn't 0nly l0ze a arm n a eye during da eventz 0f pizzelle killing em, but he alz0 had like a l0t 0f stab w0undz.

waz actually a n0rmal chef figure like hiz br0ther, until da eventz 0f peppin0 getting taken 2 da lab he waz experimented at [n well he alz0 tried t- zave em by running after em but failed], n pizzano getting hiz 0wn restaurant burned d0wn by a certain yell0w suited gremlin fucker, which eventually b0th thingz cauzed em 2 g0 thr0ugh inzanity n gain amezia after facing da sizzling restaurant he uzed 2 0wn, but uhh yeah he d0zen't really remember da fact n0ize waz da wh0 cauzed the fire z0 he'z still 0n g00d termz with em, and uhh he'z alz0 scared 0f fire n0w due 2 what happened, and then he meetz c0neball wh0 drivez em inzane cauzing em t0 kill hiz 0wn daughter which w0uld eventually get em killed by pizzelle which pizzelle w0uld later try t0 c0ver up az suicide with the help fr0m the n0ize.

pizzan0 likez 2 fuck ar0und with expl0zivez n 0ther danger0uz shit.

thinkz peppin0z diet iz really weird even th0 he literally haz da zame 1 but he'z 2 stupid 2 realize it.

it'z unk0wn what hiz trauma iz, but many assume it waz fr0m hiz restaurant burning d0wn, n dat he waz a war variant like peppin0 [n btw da war iz da reaz0n why he haz stitchez 0n hiz face].

iz currently w0rkin 4 peppin0 n pizzelle n0w since...well yk l0l.

pizzan0 livez with pizzelle.

pizzan0 uzed 2 have a daughter named Rita until pizzelle ad0pted er, n den pizzan0 killed her cuz well...he went inzane.

he waz friendz with r0zette back then and he waz devastated when he f0und 0ut she c0mmited suicide, n yeah they ended up running int0 each 0ther in da spiritual w0rld few yearz later l0l, alz0 in hiz defenze it'z very hard 2 hate her n0w when he became "the pizzan0" after c0neball dr0ve em inzane.

iz s0mewhat helping snick find hiz mizzing y0unger br0ther y0gurt, even th0 he d0zen't kn0w what he'z d0ing m0zt 0f da time while trying 2 help em.

juzt like pizzelle n h0w he pickl0ckz cuz he kept eating da keyz, pizzan0 eatz da keyz az well cuz he waz hungry l0l.

peppin0 n pizzan0 were n0t sperated at birth unlike n0ize n Mr. 0range.

juzt like n0ize, pizzan0 hatez alm0zt anything b0ring, n he'z a lazy fatazz m0therfucka l0l.

likez 2 haunt n sp00k/scary pe0ple, juzt 2 ann0y dem n fuck with dem l0l.

he haz anger issuez but it'z hard 2 tell dat he d0ez since he'z a deranged and inzane m0therfucka.

pizzan0 takez a minute 2 pr0cesse what pe0ple zay 2 em cuz he'z a fuckin dumbazz.

getz a bit paran0id when r0zette makez pizzelle g0 bl00d s0ber z0metimez, due 2 da fact da firzt time they tried 2 d0 dat, didn't g0 well cuz pizzelle went 0n a rampage.

pizzan0 at 1 p0int decided 2 try a bit 0f pizzellez ice cream n he hated it n regretted it, due 2 da fact pizzellez ice cream haz fuckin bl00d in it, and he alz0 regretted trying 0ut hiz candy p0pz due t0 the fact pizzelle uzes actual eyez t0 make them.

and uhh he alz0 fell azleep 0n pizzelle 0nce, n pizzelle c0uldn't m0ve hiz armz 0r legz like at all, until pizzan0 w0ke up n g0t 0ff em.

juzt like n0ize he s0metimez wearz skirtz and/0r drezzez cuz he'z gay az hell l0l.

unlike h0w n0ize uzez a frickin bat with barbed wire n nailz in it, pizzan0 here uzez a frickin scythe n he'z alz0 a scythe main since he like uzing da scythe l0l.

pizzan0 uzed 2 have wingz like h0w all gh0zt/spiritz d0 until he had dem ripped 0ff after he waz presumed semi-alive n cuz 0f hiz acti0nz, alz0 adding 0nt0 diz despite em being a "fallen spirit" he actually fallz int0 the "deadly sin spiritz" categ0ry az well specifically being glutt0ny meanwhile the G iz greed and r0zette iz sl0th, alz0 adding diz in here if ya haven't zeen dat 1 statuz update i did y0u'll kn0w dat pizzan0 being the sin 0f glutt0ny iz heavily inspired by Beelzebub fr0m helluva b0zz, and hell z0me 0f hiz abelitez c0nsist 0f the zame 0nez az herz.

he haz a alt name being "BlueBulb" which iz a name he 0btained when bec0ming a fallen spirit.