Army Flare figurines 4 by TheFusionLatios on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Okay for real this time this is the last one I swears it.
Split into 3(4) tiers based on the technology required to make them.
Tier 1 being the 'trash spam' basic infantry, only requiring a barracks to produce, but having little utility
Tier 2 being core units with plenty of utility and overlap.
Tier 3 being the super cool specialized stuff with heavy usage of void stuff
Tier 4 is just your typical 'commando/hero' unit for RTS things

Anyways, lets get into this stuff:

Generic Flare:
Arquebusier: Lightly equipped, but armed with deadly arcane-ballistics that become truly imposing when in mass or formation. Fairly weak in melee, but what do you expect with virtually no armor?
Gendarmerie: full Thaumium armor, a pike, and a tower shield make for a very imposing if not slow combatant. Also far more threatening when in a formation.
Skirmisher: Moderately equipped troops armed with crossbows and thaumostatic harnesses, capable of low-air travel for considerable distances gives them considerable mobility meant for harassing and breaking up enemy forces before or after battles. Yes, the THarness is known to be quite slow, the ability to fly over most terrain should make up for their lack of horizontal mobility.
Battlemage: Clad in full Thaumium robes (Thaumic Dyes) the battlemage is an expert in mid range crowd control and surprisingly melee combat. Carrying a variety of utility or combat related spells to support more typical infantry units.
Artillion: While in Thaumcraft, staves are considered the close range option for combat, I like to see it as a wand with longer attack range as silly as that sounds. So a lightly clad wizard raining fireballs and ice boulders or whatever from the sky as artillery sounds pretty cool.
Archon: Fully equipped with Void robes, these intimidating combatants are a mix between the Battlemage and Artillion in terms of usability & abilities. They are considered some of the highest ranking mages.
Void Knight: Voidmetal armor is pretty cool, though hard to make out the details when you only have 16bit to work with lol. Halberds are cool, and so are knights.
Fortress: Based on Thaumcraft's fortress armor and blade, but with less Samurai design. So I went with a kite shield and longsword, and gave it a more westernized faceplate/armor plating. They are threatening combatants, but in truth they are convicts doing their time in a suit just as difficult to get out of as it is to get into.

Thaholan Flare:
Thaholo is home to the Great Library, the Blackcoats, and is the capitol of the Dominion. As such, the Flare here have rich access to things normally frowned upon...
Blackcoat: Blackcoats, as stated before in other articles are the elite of the elite in terms of training, being chosen from the best of other service leagues. They are far sturdier and are more accurate than the standard Arquebusier.
Royal Guardsman: Bearing incredibly sturdy Voidmetal armor and crowsbeaks, the Royal Guard take great pride in their task of defending the most important of figures. Incredibly tanky compared to standard Gendarmerie.
Skirmisher: Exactly the same as normal Skirmishers. There isn't much need for them in the heart of the dominion.
Archon Initiate: The capitol is where Archons are trained and given access to the most powerful (and expensive) wands and foci. They share some overlap with Archon abilities, though toned down accordingly.
Artillion: Like normal Artillion, but rich! Only the highest and smuggest of nobles would sit back and fire at you from the other side of the battlefield with virtually no threat of retaliation, hon hon. Otherwise no different, just more expensive.
Overseer: Take an Archon, and crank them up to eleven. That's the Overseer. Its fitting too, because these guys are the Archon's bosses.
Void Knight: Everything else here has void or shadow or other warping equipment of some kind, why not include them!
Void Fortress: Dedicated to those punished with developing or using forbidden arcana, Void Fortress takes everything fun about thaumium fortress' and adds on the ability to repair itself, so truly there is even less chance of escape from this enchanted suit of armor.
Shadow Fortress: The only 'upgrade' for a unit that makes them live up to their hero unit status. Extremely tanky and packing super powerful blade inscriptions, the Shadow Fortress is the only true fortress.
Torian Flare: Dedicated to industry, development, and generally being the bleeding edge, Torians employ new strategies with weird niche units and generally foregoing normal battle strategy.
Fusilier: Baring an Arcaster rifle, Fusiliers double as both Arquebusier and battlemage, allowing them to switch between fire-ice-shock based rounds, and fire faster than Arquebusiers, though suffer in terms of damage. They are also more equipped for melee combat.
Citizen Gendarmerie: Torius has a far less developed gendarmerie corps due to perceived lack of need. They do less damage than your normal gendarmerie.
Skirmisher: While seeming similar to a normal skirmisher, Torian Skirmishers can be equipped with special Injector crossbows to inflict deadly status effects.
Officer: Torius doesn't employ battlemages, instead adopting more modern combat styles from the Usaltans, and use a very clever, albeit primitive communication system to relay orders while still retaining some of the Battlemage's abilities.
Alchemist: Special mages who serve primarily as healers, though are can also apply status effects at a range with their Injector Crossbows.
Impulse Caster: Named after their signature weapon, these are high range units with experimental weaponry, and hiding behind shields like true cowa-
Impulse casters lack the variety provided by Archons and overseers and trade it for raw unfiltered DPS.
Void Knight: Some traditions never die?
*Insert Unit But Glowy*: Torians do not employ barbaric thrall warriors, instead preferring to thaumatorically augment chosen soldiers with enhanced abilities. Researched abilities apply in small portions to all units, but apply in full force to their chosen Super-Unit.
Phonetix Flare:
The main army of the Flare who have currently seen the most combat. As such these are well trained and well equipped troops led by the mighty Runa.
Musketeer: Heavily armored variant of the Arquebusier, even equipped with its own runic shielding. They have far greater melee potential and defense.
Phonetix Soldier: Instead of deploying drafted Gendarmerie corps, the Phonetix Flare deploy better trained soldiers who come with runic shields and deal more damage.
Heraldic Cavalier: Preferring standard (heavily modified) cavalry to the Skirmisher unit, these shock cavalry are far faster over flat terrain and wield arcane ballistic weapons instead of crossbows. They can also handle more punishment.
Battlemage: Battle hardened mages with sturdier armor than the standard battlemage.
Artillion Militaires: Much like the rest of Phonetix, they have much higher standards for servicemen & women, As such, the Artillion of Phonetix wear heavier armor, deploy Pavise, and can engage at closer ranges than other states.
Thaumic Warden: Skilled warriors of the Phonetix military devoted to seeking out and handling eldritch threats. They are a hybrid between Void Knights and Archons, wielding both strong ranged and melee attacks.
Runic Fortress: Similar to normal Fortress units, but with added runic shielding as defense.
Fengardian Flare:
The rural Fengardians are not a warlike people, but do not mistake their passivity for weakness! They too have uniquely dangerous soldiers at the call.
Ranger: Fengardian rangers are fast, moderately armored soldiers who wield a arcane-ballistic revolver and a sword. They have a fast fire rate, low ranged damage, but are the only basic infantry who can attack & reload while moving.
Guardsman: Very similar to standard Gendarmarie, but using better & lighter thauminite alloys, they can move faster! Best for fast deployments over long distances.
Alchemic Skirmisher: Skirmishers that come with dual revolvers and copious amounts of alchemic liquids that probably shouldn't make contact with living beings to be dropped upon living beings at a cooldown.
Scout Mage: Battlemages who utilize a sort of invisibility that, combined with their easily concealable casting bracelets, allow them to attack while fully invisible for short periods. Their ability to equip certain foci is diminished, and have less utility options to make up for this.
Artillion: No they don't change here. Move along.
Void Knight: Void Knight.
Archon: No province is free from Archon scrutiny.
Thauminite Fortress: These Fortress units move slightly faster than normal in order to keep up with the other Fengardian units.
Aurum Flare: Far from the mainland, the colonial provinces of Aurum have been host to numerous strange events, and generally must rely more on what they can find for themselves than the wealthy mainlands.
Marine: Moderately armored soldiers used to the tropical Aurum provinces and serving on the high seas. They can fire much farther, are no slouches in melee combat, though suffer when it comes to firing speed due to their homebrewed training.
` Aurum Militia: Cheaper than normal Gendarmarie, but you will certainly feel the cost cutting, iron armor and a lack of shield is noticeably less effecting than full plate thaumium.
Skirmisher: They may look similar to the standard skirmisher, but they move much faster, and can perform a unique ground-slam attack that can temporarily knock over opponents.
Iron Fortress: Eschewing their traditional 'commando unit' role, Iron fortress can be trained en masse, but come with weaker attacks and armor (on par with a Void knight, although keeping the modularity of the fortress armor)
Battlemage: Identical to normal battlemages. They're just useful!
Artillion: Identical to normal Artillion!
Acolyte: Like I said, strange events. Acolytes are Flare who have succumbed to madness from warping and have no qualms with using 'forbidden' arts. They come equipped with a wider variety of spells than Archons, and heal over time.
Minister: A completely warped mage with unique ranged abilities, mind cotnrol, and area-regeneration. Absolutely melts when hit though.

Geez I have been putting this one off for a while. Its probably been sitting in my submit tab for a few months now. At least its done though!