Fun4 by TheLadyFrost on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TheLadyFrost on DeviantArt

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TheLadyFrost's avatar

Published: Oct 15, 2019


A World Without Hope - This is Leon from the original artwork from the RE remake and Jill from SKStalker's art (I believe. If I'm wrong I'll correct it). I wanted to put them together. I'm still learning how to photo manipulate so anything I do is really a WIP.

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1500x843px 3.12 MB

PhenomKrauser's avatar

Immediately fell in love, I didn't care if it was a WIP. They should've crossed paths in the recent remake: Should've had some steamy, flirty moments! I mean, it's called a remake: Retool some story details to make it a little different, Capcom!:evillaugh:

PS: Kissing in the rain (whilst in a secret relationship) would be FABULOUS.