R0:6H1X by TheLeabian on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

R0:6H1X belongs to Razzpi

Unlike all of the other RSM's R0:6H1X isn't actually a finished build.
They were one of the first prototypes created by the company that was ultimately scrapped due to them realising that trying to copy the personality and power of a godlike entity was nigh on impossible and too costly. However, 6H1X never got deactivated. Only left in an idle state untill they rebooted. Thus the bot has spent it's time alive gathering materials from other prototypes to rebuild something close to it's full body and enhance it's ale power, hence the very scrappy unfinished look and cloth draped around it. It was never intended to have 4 arms either, that was a design choice made of it's own sentience to closer mimic it's living counterpart. The main 2 arms can extend out to around 50 meters thanks to the segmented "woodlice" like design of it's lower arms, coupled with the hands around the size of someone's head with extreme gripping force and you're in for a dangerous opponent from close and far range. The shoulders are built with small thrusters in the back aswell as to allow 6H1X to better stabilize it's arms (and itself on occasion) when shot out. The secondary arms although not having the same extensions do still have the same gripping power, hands that can easily wrap around a torso and a high powered thrust punch (indicated by the energy canisters placed on the outside of the shell) making them incredibly vicious when up close, when in combined effort with the main 2 arms aswell it makes for a very deadly mixture. One of the other key features the bot constructed by itself was it's extra power cells, laced across the upper half of the body (Head, Torso and Shoulders) are a multitude of other machine power cores with smaller ones being used for less daunting parts and bigger ones used for high end processing sections, hence why the head has the two biggest cores mounted on the back. This does make 6H1X the most intelligent of all the bots (which is already paired with their high intelligence of Gehenna's personality) understanding that it is indeed a copy cat of it's base and knows that they are equally matched, unable to kill eachother.
It learned this lesson greater when it actually ran into it's own counterpart with this meeting ending in the result of damage to 6H's face.
Despite that, 6H still does not see much resentment or hatred towards Gehenna.

The refsheet and extra info can be found here