TheLioness24 - Hobbyist, Photographer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

^This picture reminds me of bolt.…

Hello my fellow deviantART members! :glomp: My name is Brittany and I enjoy drawing and photography the most, I am looking to find some good friends on here and share my work! :handshake: Please check out my pictures.

About me? Well here goes....


:bulletblack: Age: 21

:bulletblack: Work: Bank associate

:bulletblack: Pets: Two dogs, three rats, three leopard geckos, one gerbil and one
mountain horned dragon.

:bulletblack: Location: Out in the sticks.

:bulletblack: Hobbies: Reading, playing games on any game system, riding bikes, going on the computer, being on my forum, playing with my pets, loving my husband, going to the zoo and being around animals as much as i can.

:bulletblack: Interests: Animals, computers, cameras, games, food, many other things.

:bulletblack: Sex Sign: Libra

:bulletblack: Eye color: Changes

:bulletblack: Favorite Animal: Lion

:bulletblack: My forum:…

Current Residence: In the sticks
Favourite genre of music: Country
Favourite photographer: Beverly Joubert
Favourite style of art: Just drawing and photography
Favourite cartoon character: sokka
Personal Quote: "Gotcha"

Favourite Movies

Too many good ones

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Tobey Keith

Favourite Gaming Platform

playstation 1/2/3

Other Interests

Animals, computers, cameras, games, food, many other things.