Quiet Time by themissingdays on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It was so unfair, is all Ben could think as he stared at the back of the front seat in the sedan. It was not fair that his little brother Clark was sitting up front while he was stuck in the backseat in his carseat. All Clark had done was ask and their Mom had said yes, just like that! Even if it was just because she needed to use part of the backseat for groceries, since the trunk was currently occupied by a large box for a plastic kitchen playset Mom had bought for one of their little cousin's birthday, it still wasn't right. Ben should have been the one to sit up front, he was sixteen and his little brother was only ten. When Ben would ask to sit up front though his parents would always say no, reasoning that Ben was too small and still needed to sit in his car seat. The only thing Ben was happy about was that the car seat was Clark's old one that he had inherited a few years back when Clark had outgrown the need for one. It was a clear upgrade from the one Ben had sat in for most of his life. For one it was more modern and didn't sport any jungle animals plastered over it like Ben's had and his parents had deemed that Ben was big enough to go with just a seat belt instead of the harness that his old one had. Still it was horribly humiliating at sixteen to still have to sit in a car seat.

“Clark will you stop that,” Mom chided to her youngest who had been doing nothing but messing with the radio dial the whole way home.

“Sorry,” Clark said sitting back. “I just never get to pick the station since I don't sit up front.”

“Don't get used to it,” Mom said with a nod. “Its just for today.”

“This is why you should have let me sit up front,” Ben said from the backseat.

“Benji don't start,” Mom said with sharp tone. “I'm getting a little tired of that cranky mood you've been in all morning, like I said it's one car ride.”

“You'll get to sit up front someday Benji,” Clark said in a mocking tone as he looked back at Ben.

“Shut up,” Ben barked back, delivering a swift kick to the back of Clark's seat.

“Benji,” Mom gasped. “Do not kick the seat and Clark leave him alone. We are going to have a nice peaceful car ride home, do you two understand? That means no changing the radio station every thirty seconds and no more bickering.”

“Yes Mom,” Clark said.

“Yes Mommy,” Ben said softly from the back. Clark shook his head a little with a smirk. It was always funny to him that while he used Mom and Dad, Ben defaulted to Mommy and Daddy. Ben had of course tried to make the switch, but he would always have to say their names several times before they realized he was trying to get their attention. Ben had of course confronted them about ignoring him. Their Dad had reassured him that they were not ignoring him, it was probably just that their brains were hardwired to respond to his voice when they heard Mommy and Daddy. Ben's voice hadn't changed one bit since he had been five, still in the high pitched register of a little boy. His parents had said they would try better. Ben had tried a little more but it seemed like it wasn't going to take so he had just reverted back to the easier option. Clark also found it kind of funny that everyone in the family still called him Benji, while at school everyone knew him as Ben. It wasn't that big of a deal though, that's what they had always called him. It was honestly a little hard to even think that Ben was sixteen. His shaggy brown hair and rounded features and big green eyes just seemed to convince anyone that didn't know him that he was just a little boy no more than five or six years old.

Ben sat with his arms crossed looking out at the gray sky of the day, weather that seemed to perfectly match his mood. He then looked down at his shirt that was sporting a large stain that he had gotten from some chocolate ice cream. Which was just great since this was one of the few shirts he actually liked. It was white with a baseball on fire in the center and had a baseball player swinging a bat near the bottom of the hemline. He didn't have a lot of clothes he found acceptable since most of them were hand-me downs or rather hand-me ups from Clark. Making matters worse was that Ben wasn't big enough for the stuff that Clark had worn when he had been eight or nine, most of the clothes were from when Clark had been around five or six. Ben had a plethora of shirts with childish designs and cartoon character on them which he wouldn't be caught dead wearing to school. The only good thing about today was that his Mom had bought him a few new shirts more appropriate to his age since some of Ben's clothes were starting to show their age, mostly the stuff he would actually wear of course since it was in heavy rotation. It seemed every year that passed his wardrobe started to look more and more juvenile as the things he deemed acceptable had to be thrown out. Ben always complained saying he needed all new clothes. Mom would always tell him that there was no reason to get new clothes when the old ones fit him just fine. All Ben could do was wait to get a few new things when Clark's old clothes got too ratty to wear. And yet there was now a stain on a shirt that he favored – it was all Clark's fault as well.

There Ben had been, minding his own business eating the chocolate ice cream cone his Mom had gotten him at the food court when Clark had backed into him causing the cone to smoosh into Ben's chest. Clark claimed that he hadn't seen Ben, but Ben would not believe him. He had been right there, how could anyone have not seen him despite the fact that Clark had been walking backwards.

The sedan finally pulled into the driveway of the house. The boys got out and helped their Mom carry in the groceries and other bags. After getting them all on the kitchen table Mom looked at her phone to see the time.

“Right so I think its quiet time,” she declared. Both boys groaned. “You know the rules,” Mom said as she lead both boys down the hall to their shared bedroom. As long as both boys could remember whenever they were off from school their mom had deemed it necessary for them to spend an hour having some quiet time and her rules were strict. She would make them put pajamas on and try to rest. It was her way to get them to take a nap, if they didn't that was fine, but if they did it was a plus in her book. The boys were off for two days for parent teacher conferences. Ben had hoped that by the time he had reached middle school he would no longer have to adhere to such rules yet still found himself a sophomore in high school, being shepherded to his room for an hour of quiet time.

The boys entered their shared room as Ben began to kick his shoes off.

“Okay Clark, about what we talked about yesterday I've decided that you can sit in your bed and read for a bit as long as you are quiet,” Mom said with a nod.

“Awesome,” Clark said as he hurried out of the room to grab the new book he had bought that morning.

“So we can just read now,” Ben said. It was a welcome change, yet he wouldn't be completely happy until he no longer had to do quiet time at all.

“Sorry Benji,” Mom said going over to the dresser. “You are still putting on your pajamas and taking a rest.”

“What,” Ben exclaimed. “That's not fair. If Clark gets to do it than I should too.”

“Clark is not the one that has been cranky all morning mister.” Ben scowled. He was not cranky, maybe he would accept a little moody, but it should only be expected. She had been the one that didn't let him sleep in on his day off and had instead dragged him off to the stores. Which had been ridiculous that he even had to go. He had stayed home by himself yesterday evening when his Mom had taken Clark to conferences. Ben had been hoping to have the morning to himself to skirt around his parents screen time limits, yet another rule they enforced on him still. “And I don't think I need to remind you of that fit you threw after you got ice cream on your shirt?” Mom added.

“I did not throw a fit,” Ben countered. Sure he had been a little angry at Clark and had let him know that, but the way his Mom recounted it on the car ride home when she had been scolding him, he had been stomping up and down screeching at the top of his lungs. Which was completely untrue. He had only raised his voice when Clark had tried to say it was an accident. “You know Clark bumped into me on purpose don't you?' Ben said.

“It was an accident Benji,” Mom said. “And you know that wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me when I told you to eat your ice cream seated at the table but you decided to get up and walk around with it.”

“You always take his side,” Benji groaned.

“I do not,” Mom said shaking her head. “You're just in a bad mood and need to take a rest, now give me that shirt and your shorts so I can get them in the wash right away,” she said as she pulled the shirt up over his head.

Clark came back into the room with his book, smirking a little seeing Ben standing in nothing but some briefs with green piping and Spongebob Squarpants on the butt. Clark climbed up the ladder to the top bunk making himself comfortable.

Ben saw that his Mom already had some pajamas set aside for him. They were a dark blue set with a matching top and bottom. They were Pokemon themed and had Pikachu, Squirtle and Bulbasaur's face repeating all over them. Ben grumbled a little as she went to grab the pants out of her hands.

“Ah ah ah,” Mom said lifting the pajamas up high. “Undies too,” Mom said as she presented a pair of padded undies in her other hand towards Ben.

“But I'm not even going to sleep,” Ben pouted.

“You might,” Mom said with some certainty. Given Ben's small stature it was no surprise that he also had a small bladder and still had some little accidents at night. Not enough that he woke up to a soaked bed, but enough to necessitate some protection and the padded training underwear seemed to do the job. Once upon the time they had been shared between the boys when they had both been younger, but Clark had graduated out of them at the age of five and they had belonged solely to Ben since then. Ben grumbled as he quickly took the training undies and walked into the closet to change into them.

When Ben re-emerged from the closet Clark saw that Mom had managed to pick out one of the most infantile pairs. They had alternating red and white stripes with a blue waistband and leg holes and had Elmo's smiling face right on the crotch while on the back an even bigger Elmo with his arms spread wide with the characters name written above in many different colored letters. Clark could only shake his head. He knew Ben hated them and their Mom had offered to get him some Goodnites instead, yet that hadn't been something Ben was willing to try, especially since the only ones that would fit him would be the small ones with Spiderman on them. Clark had thought that it was still a more mature option than the underwear and had said as much to him. Yet Ben had only responded saying that the Goodnites were just glorified pull-ups, at least the trainers were still underwear. Clark didn't necessarily agree, but it was up to Ben what he wore under his pajamas at the end of the day.

Ben saw that Mom had put the pajamas on the bed as he began to walk towards them before his Mom caught him by the back of the waistband

“Not so fast, you know the drill,” she said, a bottle of baby powder already in her hand as she shook three shakes of the powder into the back of his training undies letting the waistband snap back with a white poof of dust. Ben let out a small groan as he turned around taking the bottle of powder from his Mom and pulling the front of the undies out and giving one shake of powder down his front before he let the waistband snap before taking a step back to turn around. “Benji,” Mom sighed as she then grabbed him by the front waistband pulling him forward two steps grabbing the baby powder from Ben. “Three shakes,” she said as she did the other two shakes herself.

“Mommy,” Ben yelped, embarrassed that his Mom had seen down the front of his underwear.

“If you're going to be that embarrassed then do it right the first time, now get those pajamas on,” she said. Ben got the Pokemon pajamas on while he muttered under his breath while Mom pulled back the covers on the bottom bunk.

“Now under the covers,” Mom said gently as Ben complied letting his Mom tuck him in. “Close your eyes,” she said as she leaned down to give him a kiss to the forehead. Ben shut his eyes tightly as he frowned as if to mock the instruction. Mom then stood up to look at Clark already having his book open.

“Is that the one you got at the store this morning?” she asked.

“Yep,” Clark smiled. “Last one in the series so I'm excited to start.”

“Well enjoy,” Mom said motioning for Clark to lean over so she could give him his own kiss which he did.

“Oh hey Mom,” Clark then called out. His Mom looked back. “Do you think it would be okay if I listened to some music while I read?” Clark asked holding up the holder for his earbuds.

“That's fine, but keep the volume down so you don't disturb your brother,” she said. Clark nodded as he slipped the ear buds into his ears and went back to his book. Mom then left the room closing the door behind her. Clark read for a little bit before leaning over to look down at Ben, who was lying with his with his eyes still open.

“You know Benji,” Clark began. “Mom might come in and check on us and she gonna be mad if you don't even try to rest.”

“Shut up,” Ben scowled.

“I'm just trying to be helpful,” Clark said shaking his head. He didn't understand why Ben always seemed to be in a sour mood at him more often than not. His Dad said not to read to much into it and that it was just something called teenage angst.

“I don't need advice from you,” Ben said with a biting bit of bitterness.

“Are you still mad at me for the ice cream thing?” Clark asked.

“Duh doi genius,” Ben responded sarcastically.

“I already told you it was an accident,” Clark said having now repeated the same sentiment several times already that day.

“You did it on purpose, I know you did,” Ben said. Clark pursed his lips. Why would he have done it on purpose? It made no sense.

“Well whatever,” Clark said, retreating from the side of the railing to go back to his book. “I was only trying to be nice.”

“Yeah right, a spoiled brat like you being nice,” Ben said. Clark furrowed his brow. He took particular umbrage with being called a spoiled brat. He knew he had privileges Ben didn't and he was also well aware of how strict their parents were. He wasn't any happier than Ben was when he found that his friends got to do things that his parents didn't allow, like violent video games and un-monitored access to shows and internet videos. The only reason Clark had the privileges he did was because he had earned them. Even if their parents were stricter than most its not as if they were unreasonable, their expectations were clear. So why did Ben seem to think that Clark was just given everything on a silver platter? Ben could have them too if he acted more maturely. The only brat here was Ben.

“The biggest most spoiled brat in the world,” Ben continued to mock. Clark closed his book having become fed up. He climbed down the ladder walking over to the door. He turned to look at Ben who was now sitting up with a confused look on his face as to what Clark was doing.

“Fine, if you think I'm a brat then I'll just act like one,” Clark said before opening the door to the room. “Mooom,” Clark called out loudly. “Benji won't rest and he keeps calling me names.” Clark then turned back to his brother a smug look of defiance on his face. Their Mom's footsteps could be heard coming closer with a sense of purpose as she strode into the room with a very displeased look.

“Benji, for the last time lay down and close your eyes,” she said.

“But this is so stupid,” Ben whined. Yet his Mom put up her hand.

“If you keep refusing then I guess you'll just have to go to bed early tonight to make up for it, how does seven o'clock sound?” Mom asked, her threat making Ben's expression drop. He made some disgruntled noises before flopping back onto his pillow. “And just to make sure,” Mom added as she took out her phone and set it up on the dresser pointed at the bed. “There,” she said. “Clark you too, back in bed. It's quiet time you don't need to be yelling down the hall just to tattle on Benji.”

“I only got up because he was calling me names,” Clark grumbled as he climbed back up into bed.

“Be that as it may you need to ignore it and not concern yourself with what Benji does,” Mom said. She wasn't fond of them bickering and she also had little patience for them tattling on one another especially if there was no danger present. “Now both of you stay in your beds and settle down or your having an early bedtime.”

“Hey Mom,” Clark piped up as she was about to leave.

“Yes,” Mom said with a little exasperation.

“Did you ever make a decision about that other thing we talked about?” Mom gave a sort of weary look.

“Clark, now's not the time to discuss it.” she said.

“But you said you and Dad would decide after conferences last night and you still haven't told me.” he whined a little as if whatever it had been was keeping him on pins and needles.

“Okay fine,” she sighed. “Me and your father discussed it and we think it would be okay for you to try pushing back your bedtime to nine.” Ben looked over at his Mom with incredulous look.

“I was thinking ten?” Clark said with glint in his eyes.

“ I said nine,” Mom replied.

“Maybe we meet in he middle, say nine thirty,” Clark said still trying to wheel and deal.

“Eight thirty is starting to sound better,” Mom said with a smirk.

“Nine it is,” Clark said as he quickly opened his book back up.

“What!” Benji exclaimed as he sat up no longer able to hold back his protest. “If he gets to stay up then so should I.”

“Not a chance,” Mom said shaking her head. “I don't need to drag him out of bed every morning like you so apparently you need the sleep, and also this is a reward for Clark getting straight A's on his report card.”

“I did too,” Ben countered.

“Sure if you don't count that C- in biology,” Mom said crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow.

“That's only because Mr. Harker hates me.”

“He does not,” Mom said as she cocked her head to the side not for an instant buying into her sons claim that his teacher was conspiring against him. “I talked to Mr. Harker yesterday at conferences and he had nothing but nice things to say about you. He says you're very bright and don't have any problem with the material. The only reason your grade is so low is because you aren't turning assignments in on time.” Ben averted his gaze not able to come up with an excuse to counter it.

“Which is why you will be now using that planner the school gave you to keep track of your assignments and me and Dad will be signing off on it to make sure you are keeping on top of it.” Mom continued.

“Aw c'mon,” Ben whined scrunching up his face.

“Benji, get that grade up and then we'll talk about moving your bedtime back too,” Mom said. “As of right now its staying at eight and it will be even earlier tonight if you don't lay down, close your eyes and rest,” she said. Her final warning causing Ben to groan as he laid back down pulling the covers up under his chin, muttering something under his breath about how was he supposed to do his homework if he had to go to bed so early. His Mom either didn't hear or chose not to engage as she left the room closing the door behind her.

The room became quiet as now neither boy dared to try anything with their Mom's phone recording, unbeknownst to them though she had never actually turned it on. Ben closed his eyes since he had no other option other than to risk an earlier bedtime than his already outrageous bedtime of eight o' clock. He had his suspicion that he was surely the only sophomore that even had a bedtime which also made it doubly ridiculous that he shared it with his little brother.

As Ben laid in bed, he did find himself drifting off into a light sleep and he only roused himself upon hearing the creaking of wood as he opened his eyes to see Clark descending the ladder. Ben sat up stretching out his arms as he let out a loud yawn noticing the lights were on and his Mom was in the room standing looking out the window. He was a little surprised, he felt as if he had only been lying in the bed for a minute.

“Looks like its not clearing up anytime soon,” Mom said letting the drape fall from her finger. She walked across the room mussing up Ben's sandy brown hair as she walked past him smiling a bit seeing that he had indeed rested. “All right boys, seeing as its raining cats and dogs outside it looks like you're stuck inside for the rest of the day, so I've decided to lift screen restrictions for the rest of the afternoon.”

“Yesss,” both boys cheered as they stood in front of their Mom.

“I call the Playstation,” Clark said raising his hand.

“Hey,” Ben protested at once. Mom sensing another argument put her hand up.

“Benji you had it all afternoon yesterday,” Mom said. “Its only fair that Clark gets its today.” Ben's shoulders slumped with a pouty face. “You can still have the tv in the living room all to yourself,” Mom then said as she came around behind Ben kneeling down as she wrapped him up in a hug around the waist.

“Fine,” Ben said said still looking rather gloomy. It was true that he had played for more time than he was supposed to yesterday so he probably should have seen this coming. But the tv was not any real consolation prize for him. The parental permissions meant that he wasn't able to watch anything above a certain rating level. They were so low the best the boys could hope for was cartoons which suited Clark just fine or the tamest of tv sitcoms.

“You know I think they added some new episodes of Bluey recently,” Mom said smiling as she tickled Ben's sides a little causing the tiny teen to squeal out some giggles.

“Mommy please,” Ben said as he separated from her. “I don't even like that show.”

“Sure,” Mom said with a doubting tone. “C'mon I'll turn it on for you.”

Ben rolled his eyes a little. It didn't matter how much he insisted he wasn't a fan his Mom never seemed to believe him. She probably thought he was just trying to act cool as it were. It had all started when Ben had come home from school one day and she had spotted a large Bluey sticker on the front of his sketchbook. It had been put there by another student who had attached stickers to other peoples notebooks and trapper keepers as well. Mom recognized it as a character from the show some of her friends with younger kids had been talking about, joking that they looked forward to watching it more than their kids did. Seeing it on her sons sketchbook had gotten her curious enough to watch an episode and she had invited Ben to watch with her. He agreed out of curiosity since one of his classmates had put the sticker on his book in the first place. So he wanted to see if there was something to it. It became very clear early on to Ben that the sticker had been an attempt at some sort of ironic joke rather than actual infatuation. Yet during the episode Ben had laughed at a single joke that had seemed to convince his Mom that he liked the show.

“Welp I've got some Fifa to play,” Clark said as he walked out of the room. Ben watched him leave with a jealous gaze.

“C'mon Benji,” Mom said putting a hand on his shoulders. “I'll even let you eat some of the oreo's you picked out at the store for a snack.”

“Okay,” Ben said not being immune to the promise of Oreos. “But let me change first,” he said taking a step towards his dresser.

“What for?” Mom questioned.

“Because I'm in my pajamas,” Ben said as if it should have been obvious.

“Just keep them on,” Mom said with a shrug. “Like I said you guys are stuck inside for the rest of the day, we're not going anywhere, I already took the clothes you were wearing and threw them in the washing machine, there is no reason to dirty up another outfit.”

“Can't I at least change my underwear?” Benji asked.

“I took the undies too,” Mom said with chuckle. “Besides you've got underwear on already.”

“But they're,” Benji squeaked.

“Their undies and work just the same,” Mom said cutting him off as she took his hand and began to walk him out of the room before stopping in front of the door. “That is unless there is reason you needed to change them,” she said with a questioning look. “Are you wet?”

“No,” Benji mumbled looking somewhat bashful at being asked such a question at his age.

“You aren't fibbing are you?” Mom asked. “Do I need to check myself?'

I'm dry,” Ben yelped putting his free hand over his crotch.

“Okay then,” Mom said with a smile as they walked out of the room.

Ben was lead down the hallway towards the living room. As they walked past the study he could see Clark had already fired up the game system and was sat in a bean bag chair ready to enjoy his uninterrupted afternoon of gaming.

Ben was sat on the couch as his Mom turned on the tv and then going to one of the several streaming services started up an episode of Bluey for Ben before leaving the room. Ben sat with his head rested on his hand by the armrest of the couch. He looked over to see his sketchbook sitting on the ground. He grabbed it along with a pencil and began to doodle as the cartoon played.

Their parents strict screen time rules meant that the boys had a lot of time to devote to other things. Clark was more athletic so spent time in the backyard honing his soccer skills. Ben on the other hand was more artistic. A month back he had done some scenery paintings of the backyard having set up his easel on the patio to paint the fall colors. He had taken one into school and his art teacher had been impressed enough to enter it into a contest for high school artist. Ben had actually won and that painting now hung framed on the wall of the living room.

Mom came into the living room to see Benji drawing on the couch, she set down some oreos on the coffee table.

“I got you some milk to go with the cookies,” Mom said as she handed Ben a bright blue cup with some monster trucks on it, a cup that had been in use since Ben had been six. There was also a bright red cap with a rubber straw sticking out of it. Neither of the boys was allowed to drink on the furniture unless the cups had secure caps for danger of spills.

“Thanks Mommy,” Ben said setting down his sketchbook and grabbing the cup before reaching over for a cookie. Mom picked up the sketchbook off his lap to see what he was drawing. She always enjoyed seeing the things he did, even his little doodles were fun. What she saw was one of the characters from the show he was watching being vaporized by a laser blast from a creepy looking alien.

“Benji, you're so talented. I really wish you would use your talents to express yourself in a positive way, rather than drawing mean things like this.”

“I am expressing myself,” Ben said. “I hate this show.” Mom gave a little smirk as she set the sketchbook down on the coffee table before taking seat next to him.

“Well what would you like to watch then?” Mom asked.

“I don't know,” Ben shrugged. “I just want to be able to watch some of the stuff my friends get too.”

“Benji just because some of your friends get to watch whatever they want doesn't mean that it is appropriate for someone your age.” Mom tittered.

“But I'm not even talking about the R rated stuff,” Ben sulked. “You have the ratings set so low that I can't even watch pg-13.” Mom looked at Ben's saddened look. Given his features and size she sometimes forgot how old he really was. Even if he had his moments where he acted younger, he was still a teenager who would be going off into the world on his own sooner rather than later.

“Come here you,” Mom said with a smile as she gathered him up onto her lap.

“Mommy stop,” Ben whined yet still had a small smile on his face.

“Shh shh,” Mom said as she wrapped her arms around his tummy and gave him a kiss to the cheek. Ben would never admit it, but he did sort of like when his parents were affectionate with him and he would permit some light cuddling from time to time, as long as no one else was around to see it.

“You're my good boy right?” Mom said as she moved a hand up to rub his chest a little. “My good boy Benji,” a phrase she had said to him since he had been a very little boy.

Ben put his head back onto her shoulder. “Yeah I am,” he said softly. Mom smiled. That little nap of his had certainly turned his mood around, as she had expected, he had probably just been a little overtired. She also thought back to conferences and how she had been pleased that he was doing well in school and his teachers seemed to be all praise. So it probably wouldn't hurt to give him a little more freedom in certain areas.

“Okay lets do this,” Mom said as she took the remote. She went to Ben's profile and raised the ratings on what he was allowed to watch. She certainly wasn't going to open the floodgates but it was enough to give him more options.

“Really,” Ben said with a big smile on his face.

“I think you've earned it,” she said. Ben took the remote to explore the new options now available to him. He finally settled on some animated comedy show. Mom sat watching for awhile. The humor in the show was particularly more crass than she had imagined, and for a second she wondered if she was really okay with this. Ben seemed to enjoy it as he laughed at some of the jokes with his little giggle in between sips of milk. That seemed to sway her enough to not rain on his parade. That was as long as he did not go around repeating such language. After a particularly off color joke Mom made a little click of her tongue as she set Ben aside to stand up from the couch. Ben looked up at her a little worried.

“You're not going to let me keep watching are you?” he said with a frown. His Mom gave him a little smile.

“I can't say I approve, but you seem to enjoy it,” she said. “Just don't watch stuff like this in front of Clark, he is much too young.” Ben smiled as his Mom walked towards the kitchen to start making plans for dinner and to change over the laundry.

The day wore on and soon turned to evening as Dad had arrived home and the family gathered for dinner. Ben felt a little weird to be the only one wearing pajamas while the rest of his family still wore their clothes from the day. It also didn't help that he was wearing the bulky training undies underneath as the pajamas did nothing to help conceal them. No one really made any mention of it being weird however. The only time it had even come up was when Ben had went to put his dirty plate in the sink when his Dad had come up behind and grabbed his waistband pulling his pants up seeing that they were nearly halfway down his butt, which took Ben by surprise.

“Losing your pants there Benji,” Dad had chuckled taking the boys plate out of his hand and depositing it into the sink for him. Later on both of boys were in the living room. Clark was sat in the big easy chair watching a soccer match while Benji was on the couch his sketchbook open and a box of crayons next to him as he worked away taking some breaks to watch the game for a minute or two before going back to his work.

Clark looked over at him for a moment and smiled as he watched Benji make some large strokes with a green crayon. Clark was struck for a moment at how little Ben looked at the moment. He had no doubt that whatever Ben was doing was worlds beyond what any little kid could even hope to muster, yet the scene would have looked no less normal if Ben was sitting there using the crayons to color a page in a coloring book.

“Alright, its bedtime,” Dad announced walking into the living room to stand in front of the boys.

“Mom told you I get to stay up till nine, right?” Clark said a little worried.

“I already know,” Dad said smiling at Clark before looking at Ben. “I was talking to Benji boy here.”

“C'mon Daddy,” Ben said with a pout. “Don't you think its unfair that Clark gets to stay up and I don't.”

“Benjamin,” Dad said with firm voice. Clark pursed his lips a little knowing that tone and the fact that Ben had just been called by his full name. “Your Mom already explained to you why, so no complaining.”

“But its not fair,” Ben mewled as he crossed his arms in a pout.

“Benji, lets go,” Dad said with a sigh. The man waited a moment to give Ben a chance to comply on his own but it seemed like the teen was rooted in his spot in a show of defiance. “If your legs aren't working. I guess I'll have to carry you,” Dad said picking Benji up off the couch and into his arms. Dad then picked up the sketchbook that had slid off Benji's lap looking at the page he had been drawing on. “Hey this is pretty cool,” Dad said looking at the collage of different textures and colors Ben had been weaving throughout. Ben however just turned his head away from his sketchbook. “Being grumpy like this every night around bed time is only proving our point,” Dad said giving Ben's butt a few soft pats as he carried him out of the living room. Ben was carried into the kitchen where Mom was at the sink doing dishes.

“Someone is here to say goodnight,” Dad announced.

“Is it eigh o' clock already,” Mom said sounding a little surprised as she dried her hands on a dish towel hung on the cabinet. “Where does the day go?”

She came to Dad who was still holding Ben with one arm supporting his butt and the other rubbing his back. She went behind Dad to where Ben had his chin perched resignedly on his Dad's shoulder. She cupped both his cheeks in her hands.

“Good night Benji, I love you,” she cooed giving him a quick peck to the lips before releasing him.

“Love you too.” Ben replied not able to suppress a small yawn.

“Seeing as you already got you pajamas on we can get you right into bed,” Dad chuckled as he began to walk off towards the hallway.

“Don't forget to give him a fresh powdering,” Mom called out.

“I won't,” Dad replied.

Back in his bedroom. Ben stood as his Dad shook some baby powder down his backside before Ben turned around to take the powder to do his front side. Afterwards Ben let out a big yawn.

“Sleepy Benji,” Dad chuckled mussing up his son's hair and taking the bottle of baby powder from his hand. Dad placed the powder back on the dresser before he knelt down to Ben's level. “Come give your old man a hug,” Dad said. Ben walked over to his Dad wrapping his arms around his Dad's neck squeezing him tight.

“Night Daddy love you,” Ben said with a sleepy tone.

“I love you to bud,” Dad replied patting Ben's back a little. Ben was then tucked into bed. His Dad brushed his bangs aside before giving him a kiss to the forehead. “Sweet dreams kiddo,” Dad said. He then went and plugged a night light into the wall. Neither of the boys had a fear of the dark. It was there more for Clark in case he needed to get out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. The lights were then shut off and the door closed and Ben was soon fast asleep.

An hour later Clark crept into the room quietly having been reminded by his parents to be quiet as to not wake Ben. Clark wasn't too worried. Ben was a heavy sleeper. Clark smirked as he looked at Ben. His brother sometimes slept in weird positions. At some point Ben had managed to shirk off his blanket and was now on his bed with his legs tucked underneath himself with his butt resting on top looking like he was doing some yoga pose. His shirt had raised up to his belly button while the waist of his pants had slunk down far off to fully expose the colorful letters of Elmo's name while Elmo himself looked as if he were peering out over Ben's waistband.

Clark took off his pants getting down to just his boxer briefs. He looked over at Ben again lit up by the light coming in from the hallway. Clark then noticed Ben's hand laying flat on his pillow. His thumb sticking out close enough that the tip was touching Ben's lip. Clark walked over and gently formed his brother's hand into a fist keeping his thumb sticking out. Then as gently as he could he nudged Ben's hand so that his thumb went into his mouth.

Ben stirred and Clark stood back thinking that Ben was going to wake up. But to his surprise Ben stayed asleep as his legs folded out from under him so that he was lying flat on his stomach, his lips formed a seal around the thumb and he began to suck on it. Clark had to stifle back a laugh.

Clark then went and closed the door blocking out the light from the hallway. He walked back over to the bed smiling as Ben was still sucking on his thumb completely asleep. Clark took the blanket and covered Ben up before ascending the ladder to his own bed.

As Clark laid in his bed he could still hear the sounds of his brother softly suckling on his thumb below. That's my big brother Clark though as he smiled before closing his eyes.