fuijouma besties (or more ?) by thenyxiestofnyxs on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

thenyxiestofnyxs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thenyxiestofnyxs/art/fuijouma-besties-or-more-971845120thenyxiestofnyxs

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thenyxiestofnyxs's avatar

Published: Jul 14, 2023


hehe ok i love these sillies but i gotta make a better drawing of them this one’s p old lolol. also yea he’s making fun of nagiwagi no duh

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2500x2500px 1.96 MB

Arturo50's avatar

I know about that too, specially also on how Komaeda lieks to talk a lot about hope! Hope this, hope that, let's work everyone together to cause a lot of hope! bla bla blah!