Pinkie Pie causing chaos again by TheOtterPony on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Pinkie Pie waved through a shallow river, getting only her lower part of her hooves wet. She smiled at the group of humans who watched her walk by on the shore. "Hey there, little ones!" She said happily, waving at them with her hoof as she passed them, giggling a bit as they waved back at her, looking so adorable to her while doing so.

"Oh..." She suddenly stopped as highway bridge blocked her way. She smirked and approached the bridge which only reached her head level and looked at the small vehicles driving on it. "Hi tinies!" She said happily, towering over them and looking at them from above.

Some drivers braked suddenly seeing the giant pony looming over them while others drove faster to drive over the bridge which suddenly looked so fragile compared to the giant and enthusiastic giant pony next to it.

Pinkie giggled loudly and reared up on her hindlegs and put her forehooves on the bridge, blocking the roads. "This bridge is now closed!" She said, toying the tiny humans and even shook the bridge a little. "Oh, this is quite sturdy but I don't think it would hold if I sat on it." She chuckled and backed away a step. She tilted her head and knelt down, crawling under the bridge to the other side.

She stood up again to her full height and smiled at the crowd that had gathered on the bridge to look and film her with their cameras. "Aw, I hope I didn't bother you too much, it is so fun to be here again." She waved at them and continued her stroll along the river.

Background photo by :iconbereabeloved01:
Pinkie Pie vector by :iconillumnious: