Aulacocephalodon baini by Theropsida on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Theropsida's avatar

Published: Dec 13, 2009


Locality: South Africa
Period: Upper Permian

Considered one of the ugliest dicynodonts this bizarre form of dicynodont lived during the Late Permian of South Africa. Like other pristerodontoideans it had the whole snout covered with horn giving it its strange looking.
Many fossils of this creatures had been discovered even footprints which help to understand the locomotion of these animals.

Localidad: Africa del Sur
Periodo: Permico tardio

Considerado uno de los dicinodontes mas feos esta extrana forma forma de dicinodonte vivio durante el Permico tardio de Africa del Sur.
Como otros pristerodontoides tenia el hocico entero cubierto por una capa cornea dandole su raro aspecto.
Muchos fosiles de esta criatura han sido descubiertos incluso huellas que ayudan a entender la locomocion de estos animales.

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1696x841px 419.97 KB

Date Taken

Jan 2, 2009, 7:20:12 PM