The Last Steps by TheWhiteShapeshifter on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Sep 6, 2015
one of my friends, lightshootingstar, has an amazing cat named Vlovlo that got a leukemia (blood cancer) just a couple of weeks ago. since she has been told about that she has really hard time and she decided to start earning money to donate to organizations that're fighting the cancer and trying to find a medication for that.
since I'm not as brave as her but wanted to help somehow I drew this pic and tagged it with @lightshootingstars special tag that she asked to spread in dA so any people will be aware of the cancer and maybe try to give help. I know that cancer isn't something new and every kid knows about that, but it really nice to show you're care about that and maybe give help.
I ask you to use the #cancerisnofun tag and move it forward by artworks of cancer or journals with personal stories about it. maybe for lightshootingstar's cat it's too late but if we help to fight the cancer it can give hope to many people and animals that has it or may have it.
Vlovlo is lightshootingstar's cat and artwork by me
Image size
3587x1940px 2.17 MB