TickleWizard User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


A Rose by any other smell

A common misconception about Alraune’s is their enticingly pleasant aroma, often used to lure in and lull their prey into a false sense of security. Some are either incapable of such tactics or straight couldn't care less for them. One such example being our dear Raffelsie, or Rara as she'd prefer her ‘friends’ call her (as opposed to the many other names they tend to use). Rara, as an Alraune, feeds via siphoning humanoid creatures’ energy via ‘the usual methods’. And, like many of her kind, ADORES targeting the feet of her victims. For some Alraunes, it's the fascination in a body part they lack. For others, it's out of jealous spite, as if punishing their victims for daring to possess features denied to them. Rara? It's a mixture. See, Rara loves feet. Loves everything about them! The look, the taste, their scents, the feel of them, how ticklish they often are, the smell… Today started like many days for the poor, outcast petal. Not many ventured near her, the ones that did often able to defend themselves or escape before her roots took hold. So she reclined inside her flower, trophies of her few truly favourite ‘friends' around her. One such trophy clasped firmly to her face, most of which found itself wrestling to get inside the boot as she deeply inhaled from it and the revery it brought. The adorable dwarven merchant girl, all trussed up tightly and cussing up a store… But then the first pluck of her laces happened and with it, came whimpers and pleas. Then desperate name calling juxtaposed itself between fearful pleas and bargains with each and every single, warm, blushing inch. Rara shuddered at the memory, truly those were a treat to be savoured!~ “No please!!! They reek bad enough to raise the ancestors; I've been walking for days!!” Oooh wasn't the little lass spot on, they smelled so damn good! She's sure her new friend's face must've been painted with the usual confusion and repulsion as Rara wasted no time in diving face first into those wide, sweaty delights. The gleeful moan that left her currently nothing but a tribute to the raw carnal song of pleasure that left her at first touch and smell. Oh and the way the little madam squealed!~ Big, ripe feet were one thing. But ones so tender and ticklish, just the simple act of enjoyment left their owner squeaking and tittering? Truly, ticklish was the best flavour!~ The only thing able to break through Rara’s lusting smirk was her tongue slipping it's way out to greet their newest lovers. The sound she made from first face contact was to die for~ The one that left her at true loves first kiss!~ Rara could still hear it clear as day, even now…. ---------- *THUD!* “Gah!! Gods above who put this hideous eye sore here?! Stupid fucking flower!!! I can see why even the fairies can't stand to be here!!” Grekka hefted her axe, took aim and readied to strike. “Let's do those pests a fa…AHHHH!!!” Rara was startled from her revery by a thump against her domicile and a vulgar string of grunts and cusses. How dare they!!! Can't they see the lady of the house was enjoying herself?! Stowing her mementos for now, she quickly composed her self, ready to scold the rude intruder and have her vines thrash some manners into the miscreant tangled by their clutches!! Peering out from the petals she spied…. She fell back, cheeks ablush, heart thumping. It was an orc warrior. A might ORCESS warrior! A mighty orcess warrior covered in sweat, grime and the muck of combat. Orc gals always smelled so fine, but after ‘a little bit of exercise’?~ Rara was drooling, Rara was loosing herself to fantasy. “Almost… GAH!!! LET GO YA FUCKING WEEDS!!” Rara came back to earth, taking a deep breath and sauntering out from her her floral curtain. “Young lady, don't you know it's rude to crash into a refine woman's home?~” her voice dripping with sass and mischief as she leaned towards her latest catch in a long time. “Skrigga! Great, a weed that talks. Look, you let me go and we both go out separate ways, alright? I'll even put my stick back in it's nap sack.” Irritation barely masked over her fuming tone. “You're in no place to be making threats little miss! The nerve!! I let you go now, and you'll just continue this deplorable behaviour!” Rara was trying, she really was trying to keep MOST of the mischief… Oh and all of the arousal from her voice, staying purely business!… Even as she knowingly poked and prodded ‘accusingly’ at the breast of her captive. Each prod caused the rude orcs expression to quiver before fixing into a tighter scowl, breath hitching between the snarls. “OI!!! Hands to yourself unless you want the torch instead of the axe ya waste of soil! Call of the vines NOW!!! Or I'm gonna start plucking pet…” her scowl twisted into mixture of slight fear and intense embarrassment. “H-hey! W-what the hell do y-you think you're doing?!” the angered Orc trying her hardest to thrash or kick her loosely booted foot at the pervert toying with her laces. “My my, such a fidgety young lady~ Just as well my garden is mightier than the naughty~” a truly debauched purr slipping from her as the last lace was plucked, her hands sliding along the boot as she took grip to begin her favo… “WAIT!! D-don’t!! A panicked outburst, the fury of her face becoming replaced by embarrassment. “Well why ever shouldn't I?~” she couldn't help herself, mischief oozing off of each syllable. “Tell you what, give me your name and I'll make this quick~” desperately hoping her bluff wouldn't be called. “As if!! You can tear it from what demon awaits y…” her left boot slowly came away, blood running cold as her body tried to lunge forwards. ‘G-GREKKA!! It's Grekka alright? No honour your word and let go of me.” She was trying to get calm, to regain her composure. It all slipped away at that giggle. Rara was just enjoying all of it too much, especially the ‘strong warrior’ crumbling from just a little boot work. “What's got you so jumpy?~ Embarrassing socks?~ Oooh don't tell me, pink? Frilly?~ oooh I've gotta see now!~” she didn't even give her catch enough time to protest, let alone answer. Rara had worked herself up into an excitable frenzy, pulling off the boot without a hint of patience anymore. Grekka turned crimson, wishing the damned plant had just turned her into compost or whatever it is these damn plant monsters did. The only words that left her weren't even words, it was an embarrassing sound as squeals and groans of disgust and revulsion left the fearsome prisoner. Turns out Rara was wrong about the socks; only thing those mighty, meaty appendages wore were a musk so potentially Grekka could smell it from her seat and Rara just couldn't keep away from. Her face was quickly glued to the freshly bared some, inhaling deeply as she nuzzled deeply into the sole, hands firmly holding the would be flailing foot against her face. Grekka for her part, couldn't tell what she hated more: the embarrassment, the revulsion or the… no, she wasn't gonna name that part; it'd make the first one worst! “G-Get…. Off!!!” She didn't even try to sass this time, far more concerned with keeping THOSE sounds at bay. Rara was fulfilling her request… technically at least and certainly not the way Grekka intended. Her nose finally made it's way up to and forced itself between those musky, tightly clenched toes. The noises that left her were…. Well… Grekka would've been glad she was too busy snorting and giggling from THAT form of sensation to pay attention to her captor. Rara's distracted, quivering state had allowed her friend's over foot to get loose, rapidly reminding the little pervert about it's presence by rapidly kicking it's booted from against her head. “GETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!!!” Grekka managed to babble out, not even aware she had gotten a little loose. Not that Rara minded, her grin closer to villainous than mischievous at this point. “Oh my, seems the twin wants in on the fun too~” a vine resnaring the limb before climbing into the boot and nuzzling it's tip along and across the confined sole. “But she should've waited her turn, plus it's rude to kick!~” Rara’s only cackle overshadowed by the roar of hilarity the surprisingly soft soled orc gal let out. The toes of both soles going mad with movement, both feet flailing as they tried to escape, tried to distract, to do anything to deal with even that lone light touch. Grekka couldn't even form words, just howls of laughter and manic babbling. “Oh my, are you sure you're really a tough fighter?~ Just one itsy bitsy vine on only one of your beautiful feet!~” her mischievous was dissolving into gushing again. She cradled the other foot, letting it's bare, sweaty flesh writhe against her cheek and dreamy smile. “I wonder if her sister is just as ticklish?~” letting the nails of one hand glide along the doughy sole. Grekka went silent for a moment, her body fighting to thrash and arch against its prison, mouth agape in a horrified grimace. It took a bit before her lungs caught up, all hints of disgust masked under roars of desperation and mirth. “Hhnnnmhhh!~ Is it me or do they get even more fragrant when tickled?~” Rara cooed, pressing her nose firmly into the ball the boot as her nails danced just below. “Gaahhhhhhhds yes!~ They're just so perfect!~ Bigger than my face!~ Almost as soft as they are ticklish!~” she dragged her nose up, her fingers following as she once again lodged it between her madly flailing toes. “Gaaaahhhmmmm!~ And that aroma!~” she couldn't help it, taking a wild lick from heel to ball before, again, nestling her nose between her toes. “Ooooh I just can't get enough!!~” That lick had done it, a whole new sound leaving the embarrassed Orc. Her whole body once again spasming violently in unison, leading to her leg kicking with enough force to launch her boot accidentally into the skull of her tormentor. Between the ‘distractions’ and the sudden pain, Rara had lost control over her vines, slipping enough for her newest friend to thrash free. A wave of adrenaline filling her with enough energy to power through the exhaustion and fatigue to take flight and flee to save her life. “HELP!!! PERVERT!!!” she screamed out as she took off, no longer afraid someone might see her as weak… though anyone would be scared off by the aroma she was only making worse. It was enough to get Rara back to earth, attempting to give chase. “Wait!!! Your boots!!! You'll ruin the scent!”