Shine like a Diamond by TickTockTheBoomBunny on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TickTockTheBoomBunny's avatar

Published: Sep 13, 2010


Forgot to upload this here. Been doing alot of TLK arts D:

My design for Uru; Scar and Mufasa's mother. Typically she is drawn red like Scar. However...

Uru means diamond. And they never said her fur colour in the books...
What colour are diamonds normally? White C;

So...Where did Scar's colour come from?

Most likely carried down from a either Ahadi or Uru or even the grandparents. A white lion parent wont give birth to a white cub unless the other parent has the white gene too.So Ahadi may not of had the white gene and it resulted in 'normal' coloured cubs.
Just because Uru is white doesn't mean the red gene got lost. She could still carry it from her parents or even Ahadi could of.

Tried TLK style <3 And those grasses I drew and copy pasted into clumps.

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